Posted by Falcon's Eye - Scan All

alex|G1 ennedi
sahara rlc (#53768)

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Posted on
2021-04-04 16:54:09
We should be able to use the falcon's eye to scan all unscanned cubs for adult mutations at once. It should just say whether any unscanned lions have AMPs, leaving it up to the player to scan one by one to see which one has it. If more than 1 unscanned cub has an AMP ideally it should show how many. This would prevent wasting a ton of time and SB on the Falcon's Eye just to find out that none of your cubs have AMPs, but it wouldn't be too cheap/easy. IMO this should cost around 500SB, maybe 750.

If you don't support, please explain why! I'm open to constructive criticism.

This suggestion has 16 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 04/04/21 @ 17:51:17 by alex ! (#53768)

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