Posted by Price Checks: (Non-lethal) Albino Muties
Hope (#228399)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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2021-04-09 08:52:44
So, my last post in Sales was "LF Albino Base!" or something like that, due to a small project I hope to finish around November and then proceed to open it to the public in December. It's the small thing showing on my Den page, the Albino Base business thing. I'm also hoping for it to be a collaborative thing, with both clean and dirty breeders and such, but that's not guaranteed. However, I'm looking for the basic price range of the albino-based muties, which I will probably use to sell the non-lethal ones, as I hopefully can do a raffle for frozen fatals. So I'm pretty much just asking the current price range everyone can agree on.

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