Posted by Is my King worth anything as a stud?

Catabee (#115158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2021-04-12 15:20:34
I realized that I've been playing Lioden in general for about a couple years now and haven't really engaged too much with some pretty key systems of the site. This is just the first post of many to come trying to gauge the overall values of my lions and various items I've been saving up over the course of my time playing on and off.

Currently, I am trying to find out if my current King is worth anything for studding and I'm also generally looking for advice for what to prioritize for studding my kings in the future? (there is probably a masterdoc that i just keep scrolling over when looking for solid advice)

Anyways! Here is my good boy.

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Edited on 13/04/21 @ 11:08:58 by Catabee (#115158)

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