Posted by Info on all the Beaus

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-04-26 18:00:07


Just compiling Beau's info here
"Aggy why the hell do you have a thread to compile info about your damn lion-"

LOOK. Sometimes I'm talking about pon!Beau, sometimes I'm talking about stud!Beau, and sometimes I'm referring to the sub I trained up to rep stud!Beau with. And it's confusing, okay? I just wanna have all my info neat and tidy because their bios are a MESS.

The summary for those new to this disaster lesbian: on the 15th of March 2020, after spending all of Feb trying for a triple Rosette Elysian, I got my wish - but on a pon to boot! From there, trying to get White Mottled Vents on her via RMAs lead to her remaining slots filling with Rosettes and pretty BOs, resulting in a septa Rosette Elysian pon. After some cloning success (and the desire to make damn well sure I wouldn't keep RMAing her LMAO), I king'd a clone and rep'd her with a 5k stat Slender groupie I'd been training up.

Both pon!Beau and king!Beau are inspired by Beauregard Lionett in Critical Role and use she/her pronouns!

Quick Links:
[Pon Beau's info]
[Stud Beau's info] [Sub info]
[Anything Else IDK]

PLEASE read the lil FAQs before asking about studding/heats/clones/etc!

Jester [#187561] for tossing me a HTML template n helping me out
Insyndiar [#165409] for the INSANE art: the bg and art are hers <3

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Edited on 26/04/21 @ 22:08:41 by Agryo [BLM] (#70050)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-04-26 18:00:17

• Beauregard •
the disaster lesbian, the eater of RMAs, the OG


Elysian | Dawn eyes | Ebony Royal | Clean 9th gen
Slot 1: Noctis Soft Rosette (69%)
Slot 2: Inverted Rosette Saffron (1%)
Slot 3: White Crackle (69%)
Slot 4: Noctis Pelage (100%)
Slot 5: Lilac Points (69%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (69%)
Slot 7: Noctis Soft Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (100%)
Slot 9: Feline 5 Noctis (100%)
Slot 10: Noctis Heavy Rosette (100%)
Slot 11: Noctis Soft Rosette (69%)
Slot 12: Inverted Rosette White (1%)
Slot 13: White Mottled Vents (100%)

Born 15/03/20,,, 9th gen clean, first and only ely triple ros pon (og appearance)
30/04/20: i give up. You win. Take your fucking 6th rosette no wmv for me
03/05/20: me: ill get a 7th out of spite, you: ok and its nsr again
22/06/20: like 1k rmas later... WMV, FINALLY
18/02/21: had TRIPLET PONS in a litter??? Chimera, Chupacabra and Harpy! Two went to my best friends and I kept Chim <3
14/02/22: HAPPY VALLENTINES DAY SHE POPPED THE SECOND CELPON IN GAME Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III!!


"Can I buy a natural heat?" - no <3

"Can I clone her?" - no <3

"Can I buy her?" - can I block you? <3333

"Why are you SO uptight on NOT LETTING ME HAVE SOMETHING THAT IS WORTH SEVERAL THOUSAND GB??? This thing that you CLEARLY have a strong attachment to at this point??? I AM ENTITLED TO YOUR THINGS >:C" - <3

"Do you sell modified clones?" - Now we're getting somewhere! I do, very rarely - at the moment there's two king'd, Syn's Zaeo and Typh's Snowcone! Sold clones are heavily modified, however - the most valuable I'd be willing to sell would be either a Penta Rosette Elysian or a Hexa Rosette without the base, with either option having pretty much everything else but one desirable trait removed.

"Do you sell barked heats to her?" - In Feb I do! You can find the info [Here]! It's not cheap though, and Crunchies aren't permitted.

"How much did you spend RMAing her?" - See the Spoiler'd portion below! It's pretty funny to read back on how frustrated I was with the ordeal, lmao

"What are her litters like / does she clone / does she have any Pon cubs?" - Check out the Breeding Log portion down there! She's actually cloned onto Pies twice, and has had a litter of triplet pons! <3

"Who designed her custom decor?" - My good friend Syn did! Some of the best money I've paid for art, look at that quality!


Breeding Log

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Edited on 05/05/22 @ 07:56:06 by Agryo [Private Stud] (#70050)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-04-26 18:00:33

• Also Beauregard •
Swoleregard, if you will


G1 | 10400+ stats | lv.57 | Slender Piebald

Elysian | Dawn eyes | Ebony Royal
Slot 1: Noctis Soft Rosette (69%)
Slot 2: Inverted Rosette Saffron (1%)
Slot 3: White Crackle (69%)
Slot 4: Noctis Pelage (100%)
Slot 5: Almond Soft Unders (69%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (69%)
Slot 7: Noctis Soft Rosette (100%)
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (100%)
Slot 9: Feline 5 Noctis (100%)
Slot 10: Noctis Heavy Rosette (100%)
Slot 11: Noctis Soft Rosette (69%)
Slot 12: Inverted Rosette White (1%)
Slot 13: White Mottled Vents (100%)

Stud fee: N/A. Closed to the public, sorry!

"Why is Beau a private stud?" - Back when I originally king'd her, I talked to Patchy (currently has a 10x Rosette stud, at the time was 7x) about studding and we agreed to keep things private! I do let friends user her when I roll, though, for 30gb. Since then, my good friend Vare got Dettlaff up to 8x Rosettes (which I'm still SO psyched about <3), and from secondhand observation, him being public has been a whole lot of a hassle, so I stand by my decision.

"Can I stud to Beau?" - If we're buddies and talk casually? Sure! It's a 30gb flat fee, but I'm always willing to accept items - we're friends, after all <3 If we don't know eachother well, unfortunately the private bit still stands! However, in December I open her to the public as a special holiday treat - so maybe I'll see ya then? ;3

"How many stats are her cubs born with?" - Atm, at 10400~ stats, she's spitting out cubs in the 1150-1400 range when paired with NCLs pretty consistently, if that's any help!

"How often do her Rosettes pass?" Anecdotally, in mass breeds and scries it looks like roughly 1/10 cubs have a natural Rosette pass, excluding Gnaws and pons affecting Mott pass rates! Not shabby at all for marks with a 1-2% pass rate each.

"I want some Beau cubs! How can I get some if studding is closed?" I try to breed and IBF a few NCLs every roll to spit out some statty G2 cubs and hopefully a G2 pie. I sell G2 1100+ stat cubs for 4-10gb each and g2 Slenders for 50-70GB each - price subject to change if the lucky cubs get a Rosette ;3 Just poke me and I'll do my best to see if anything pops that meets your needs! I also often breed my pons to her, so keep an eye out for high quality doubles and triples (including Beau squared cubs from Beau x Beau)!

"How high do you intend to go?" - IDK! My previous best was her predecessor, Enigma, who started as a 4094 cub, was king'd at 9235 stats and got yote at 12936 stats and level 48 in favor of Beau. That's 8842 stats of pure #gains, and as of September 20th 2021 she's beaten that! I'd ideally like beat Enigma's total too! 13000 stats on a groupie that started at 109 would be very cool. That's also roughly around when 2k stat cubs start appearing, so just. Imagine. 2k stat gen 2s, fabulous.

"Who designed her custom decor?" - Still Syn! Getting the night vision goggles to work well was a pain lmao

King Log

Tiny RMA Log

Sub Log

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Edited on 05/05/22 @ 08:00:02 by Agryo [Private Stud] (#70050)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-04-26 18:01:26





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Edited on 26/04/21 @ 22:09:37 by Agryo [BLM] (#70050)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-04-26 18:15:25





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Edited on 26/04/21 @ 22:09:50 by Agryo [BLM] (#70050)

smileymittens [g1
albino] (#230008)

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Posted on
2021-06-14 13:26:39
Please, teach us how to please the rng gods.

You are epic.

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Tan |Fake RLC
breeder (#43434)

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Posted on
2021-08-10 08:03:37
Your king is boss. :D

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Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-08-13 07:34:37
Thank you!! I love her dearly - hoping to reach 9k stats in a few rolls <3

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Edited on 13/08/21 @ 07:34:59 by Agryo [Hiatus] (#70050)

Tan |Fake RLC
breeder (#43434)

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Posted on
2021-08-13 07:47:37
I wish you all the best!

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smileymittens [g1
albino] (#230008)

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Posted on
2021-08-31 15:02:07
how the heck did rng give you 4 rosettes and 0 wmv in the first thousand or so rmas
and also a rosette in less than 20 rmas? what? did the admins change up the chances?

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Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2021-08-31 15:14:42
That's how probability works. Each RMA has independent chances. So RMAing a rosette doesn't lower the chances for next rosette. It's still very low of course (idk exactly) so it is truly incredible and unique that Beau has this many. But chances are the same every time. It's like wining the lottery few times in a row. Amazing but math is still the same

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smileymittens [g1
albino] (#230008)

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Posted on
2021-08-31 15:28:07
Getting wmv specifically is 1/12% while getting any 4 rosettes is 0.0000000001%.
There are 60 tier 6 marks. I counted
Exact Percentages of RMA's

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Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2021-08-31 15:39:33
I'm not saying it's not amazing. Only that the math behind it didn't change. Chances for rosette are small but each time the same. Here it just happened to be the most unlikely mark. Few times in a row. For that the chance is much much smaller but still exist. I'm not sure if I'm communicating exactly what I want to say xd

Okay - I'm saying that this kind of lucky situation isn't a proof of chances for rosettes being changed. Chances of this happening (I mean the lion like Beau) aren't 0%. So it just did. Doesn't mean the math was changed. That's the beauty of probability ;)

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Edited on 31/08/21 @ 15:40:06 by Magnituda [G2 clouded Cinna] (#198042)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-08-31 16:28:59
It's exactly how Magnituda said - every roll is independent of the ones prior. It's like pulling marbles from a bag and putting them back after each draw. Drawing from the bag 20 times doesn't guarantee you'll get the specific marble out of twenty you want, for instance - but you could also draw it twice in a row. There's just a whole stinkin lot of marbles in this hypothetical bag XD

The RNG hasn't been changed either! Most of this RMAing took place a year/a year and a half ago, and broadly reflect the official RMA stats (despite the comparatively small sample size vs what you'd need to really parse it out). The odds of getting an exact RMA exclusive you want now are lower due to more being added to the pool, but the over-all 'pools' haven't been changed. I've had dry spells of thousands of RMAs with nothing cool to show for it, and one case on a different lion where I got three Tier 2s in four RMAs (that was a hell of a rush). Just comes down to numbers!

This also occured before a lot of new RMA exclusives were added (Cinnabar, Almond, Saffron at least) - there were 51 RMA exclusives at the time, so in my case it was *roughly* a 0.1% chance per attempt to get WMV (5% chance / 51 markings in the pool). I just happened to hit the 0.1% Rosette chance first... again and again and again lmao

It was frustrating, but that's just math and luck/lack thereof!

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smileymittens [g1
albino] (#230008)

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Posted on
2021-08-31 16:38:49
Interesting, ok.

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Empress (#229172)

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Posted on
2021-09-20 08:58:02
I sent a stud request hihi paying the gb!!🥰💕✨

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