Posted by ~Xanthic Dwarfie Heat~

Misstress Val (#143519)

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Posted on
2021-05-17 19:54:55
Hey all you cool cats, and kittens. Got a Xanthic dwarfie lady who comes into heat in 3 days (at time of post) and I'm looking to sell it off! Below are the terms I'm looking to sell it for. ^^

1- I can purchase the stud fee, within reason. I can either stud to you, or someone else.

2- If I'm studding to someone else and you have items you'd like me/them to use, I'll discuss with them prior, no big deal.

3- If the litter reaps MORE than one dwarfie, I get to keep one. I only care to keep one, and if they turn out all normal then you'd keep them as well, or you can forward them to me, I do not mind what you decide to do! You paid :)

Dwarfie breeding is always a gamble anyways, so I'm just gonna start the auction low at 7GB or Mutie Males (Looking for an heir)


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