Posted by Items uses in raffles

Offline X!e L!an (#180927)

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2021-05-22 01:58:19
Many users make raffles with toy/nesting items. The amount of this items is not as important as total amount of uses. When you buy item you see how many uses it has, but in raffles it is impossible.
When your raffle ends and you got ticket items, you may be disappointed if there are many items with less uses than full item has (like 1-2 uses nesting materials).
So, I see this two points:
1) someone buys ticket with full-uses item (higher value) and someone buys ticket with less uses item (lower value). It's not SO terrible because there are different value item tickets in raffles as a rule, but it is unpleasant, isn't it?
2) when you ends raffle early (if you like ticket amount = you have supposal there is enough value) you can be disappointed that your imaginary value is not the same as real value you got. For example you raffle 300 SB and wants to get 5 nests (=30 uses), you pick winner when there are 5 tickets and you get 5 items, but with 20 uses and the same with toy uses or other items like decorations, BGs.

If you agree with one or both statements or if you disagree, please post your opinion ^^

If many players agree that they prefer full-uses item tickets in their raffles, I have suggestion. When you create new raffle, you will be able to choose "full-uses items only" option in Raffle Ticket Options area (something like "Hide custom decors") if you like. You can choose, because maybe it doesn't matter for your or ticket items have no more than one uses like apps. When you want to join raffle and buy ticket, there will be notification with such sense "This raffle tickets are full-uses only/any uses" above items option, so you won't be surprised if your item doesn't match. But unfortunately I am not sure that it is not extremely difficult to write code that compares player's item uses and full amount of uses of this item, because there are too many items in Lioden!

This suggestion has 8 supports and 1 NO support.

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