Posted by Cubs for cheap

MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-05-27 15:35:32
I get a ton of cubs and wish to sell them. All cubs are dirty as my king us dirty so if you want clean look else where.
I don't care if you use them for fodder.
Here is a link to my cave. If they have no name then they are probably up for grabs.(if they are 0 months then they might not be.
Basic fodder cubs -10sb
Uncommon base- 50
Rare base-75
Primal fangs - 100 sb
Primal felis-1gb
Other Primals-1gb

Prices are negotiable but be reasonable. I will consider each offer and look at current market.
If someone has bought I unless you are willing to up the price then it is always theirs. I will tell you if someone has made a higher offer than you in case you wish to bid up on them.

When offering for a cubs please use this format petfarbly.

Name of mother:

At minimum please give id over link preferably.

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Edited on 27/05/21 @ 15:47:31 by MidKnight (#222934)

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