Posted by Energy Cooldown Should Be Less- IMO

FlameHeart (please
gift) (#233839)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-05 09:53:38
It takes 15 minutes to restore 10 energy. I think this is a little much, considering the June event going on (where it is Explore-heavy) as well as getting crafting materials or raising/lowering karma. I want to respectfully suggest that energy cooldown be reduced to every 10 minutes instead of every 15 minutes, this way there can be more activity.

This suggestion has 42 supports and 33 NO supports.

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l0n3lyv1x (#231086)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-05 09:58:27
This would help loads
These are some types of people on lioden it would benefit:

- People who mass-breed will get energy quicker to breed with
- People who kill/nature-reserve fodder; each lion is 5 energy, it'll be easier with quicker boosts
- Avid Explorers, people who like to grind events/grind impression or grind exp, it'll also be easier for them to have quicker boosts
- Grinding events; people who grind events, especially like may and many more, you need energy! The may event you need energy for breeding AND defeating 200 lions! It'll be easier to complete the event and people will stress a little less to get it done!

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Squonk (#54817)

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Posted on
2021-06-05 10:03:26
No. It's been this way since the game came out, and I don't see any reason for it to change. There are currently many many ways to get more energy (roasted lambs, red bulls, energy boosts, bone marrow, daily energy boost, hyperactive personality, marula fruit, etc). We're already lucky to have the daily energy boost we have.

I mass breed, grind events, and grind EXP. I see no reason for there to be more energy. If you want to mass kill/nature preserve there are personalities for that.

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FlameHeart (please
gift) (#233839)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-05 10:29:08
Yes, but you can only consume Bone Marrow once a day. I haven't gotten any of the other energy items, so I don't know about them, and energy boosts cost GB which I'm not willing to pay for with real-life currency. Roasted lambs I believe are an April event item, but I joined in May.

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AppleCiderp (#92197)

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Posted on
2021-06-05 12:26:42
I've never had issues with energy tbh, there's a lot of ways to go around it, Like what Nakaru said, there's multiple items to either give you a boost or double the energy gotten.

So sorry, no support

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🔸️ Castiel
[G1GoldenrodRLC] (#163092)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-05 12:31:02
I've not had issues with energy either, plus a lot of events that you can get energy boosts from, you even get boosts for your birthday and anniversary. Like AppleCiderp and Nakaru said, there are many many ways to get energy.

It's a no support from me as well.

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Edited on 05/06/21 @ 12:33:43 by Bane [CleanCrackedLilac] (#163092)

Nuka (Ferus Bueller) (#29060)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-06-05 12:36:12
It personally gives me a reason to be on here / active more often, as I can catch when the energy refills and do more before getting bored and finding something else to do until my energy comes back.

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2021-06-05 12:42:02
Sorry, no support. It's been the same amount of time:energy ratio for many years, ever since 2012 iirc, and never been a problem. Currently there's even the free 100% energy refill introduced last year during lockdowns as an extra on top of that, which seems more than generous since it's been in place for a while. Changing the energy system just risks unbalancing all sorts of aspects of the game and its economy unnecessarily imo.

There need to be ways of incentivising enough players to spend real money on GB to keep the site running. The current free energy limit is a simple and effective way of doing that; you can use as many energy boosts as you like, they just cost GB. Same as most games really.

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