Posted by Tell us which raffle was cancelled?

Cas (#67347)

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Posted on
2021-06-13 11:49:31

Currently when a raffle ends, we get an automated notification from the raffle owner saying,
"My raffle '10GB' has ended. Unfortunately you didn't win anything."

But when a raffle is cancelled, the notification just says "My raffle has been cancelled. Your
5SB has been returned to you."

But if you're me, and you've entered 6 different raffles lately with 5SB tickets, which one was it??


Please can the notification be changed to say "My raffle '10GB' has been cancelled. Your 5SB
has been returned to you." ?

Edit: πŸ¦‹ Paipa [G2 Orchid] (#73075) mentioned that this would also be useful for figuring out which clan raffle had ended, and to which clan the raffle belonged.

This suggestion has 50 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/06/21 @ 12:18:48 by Cas (#67347)

🍯 Paipa | G2
Orchid Pie (#73075)

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Posted on
2021-06-13 12:01:19
Yes, please! This naming system would be perfect for winning clan raffles too since I had to manually go through all my clans to check which one's raffle I actually won today. ^^'

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Edited on 13/06/21 @ 12:01:37 by πŸ¦‹ Paipa [G2 Orchid] (#73075)

Cas (#67347)

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Posted on
2021-06-13 12:03:46
Ooo, I hadn't thought of the clan raffle part of it either. Let me add that to the first post.

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🍯 Paipa | G2
Orchid Pie (#73075)

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Posted on
2021-06-13 12:10:03
Thank you! The message was "Congratulations! You have won the Lion's Pride clan raffle! You have won the following prize: Lion Pride Accent [Light Blue and Pink]!"

Which yes mentions the clan raffle's name, but I would definitely love to see the clan's name mentioned somewhere to make things easier :D

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Cas (#67347)

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Posted on
2021-06-13 12:19:20
There we go, I edited it again lol.

I totally don't enter too many raffles...

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