Posted by Piebald Dorsal Auction ( Possible Heir! )

[All mut
pride]Barnashunter12 (#226934)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2021-06-15 11:42:42
Boy in question!

Gen: 5
Clean: Yesh

1 = 1000
If you bid 1000 , I will count it as 1 .

Items that also cost :

CRB - 2
Buffy Balls: 3
Lion Soc: 8
GOP: 2
Lion Meat: 2
Great Tit: 5
Tiger Eye: 2
LTF: 3
ANY things that put a lion in frozen slot: 2
So basically, if someone would offer a great tit and buffy balls, I would set it at 8 , but if that bid was accepted, the bidder would have to give me the great tit and buffy balls.

Current bid to beat: N/A
Autobuy: 200 / 200000

If a offer is not challenged in 4 hours, that person will get the pie.
GL everyone!

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