Posted by Apophis decor

max [g1 pastel
arctic] (#215506)

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Posted on
2021-06-20 22:08:40
ok, so you have a chance at getting the Apophis decor from reptile roundup at 300 points. 300 is huge!! for example, it's like 10pm my time and NO ONE has hit 300 points on the RR daily score table yet today. that's a really solid score! BUT the same decor is also only 20 monkey teeth at gorilla enclave?!?! BUT the SAME DECOR is ALSO twice as many chaos scales as the eye applicators? what?

presumably the low price in enclave has tanked the value, it's only worth 600sb on branch right now. But since it's presented as a high value item in a couple other places on site, i'm sure some people have blown money buying it with chaos scales before, or wasted time trying to get to 300. it's needlessly confusing and it just really doesn't make sense to have such huge price discrepancies!! if it's going to be twice as expensive as a seasonal eye app, it should not be in enclave for 20mt

and i LOVE the idea of crazy rare RR prizes only possible with unreasonably high scores lol but it should be something worth more than 600sb :(

so yeah i think apophis decor either should have its value made equivalent to 20MT (i'd say maybe 20 scales, and maybe available at 50pt in RR) inside forbidden temple and RR chasm level. maybe make a new apophis decor for that super high value tier that hasn't been tanked from being so comparatively cheap in enclave

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