Posted by Are you sure you want to reclaim this lion?

spottix [inactive] (#174415)

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Posted on
2021-07-05 19:22:52
Sorry if this has been posted before, I'm a bit too tired to check right now :(

So as the title says, it would be nice if the site asked you if you really wanted to reclaim your lion(s) who ran away. Yesterday I was on mobile and I was half asleep, but I knew that I had a lioness who ran away. I wanted to reclaim her, but instead of doing so, my finger slipped and I accidentally reclaimed her and 10 other lionesses (who were plain boring NCLs) and that was 2200 SB in total. I could have bought really good stuff with that much money, so I'm kind of upset. I'm sure I am not the only one who had this issue. So I think it'd be useful if the site could ask you if you're sure about reclaiming your lions!

This suggestion has 33 supports and 7 NO supports.

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Edited on 05/07/21 @ 19:23:55 by Spottix (#174415)

Roby (x1Ros g2 BO) (#188696)

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Posted on
2021-07-05 19:25:32
Definitely supporting. This is NEEDED.

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spottix [inactive] (#174415)

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Posted on
2021-07-05 19:27:43
Thank you! Yes, it would be very nice.

Also, please tell me if you guys aren't supporting! I want to see why you don't.

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oliver! [G2 🥧] (#163090)

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Posted on
2021-07-05 19:54:51

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2021-07-06 07:09:19

I totally support this!

a) Like when you said you accidentally reclaimed 10 or so lionesses and wasted the money you gratefully wanted so you could buy pretty good stuff, absolutely correct! If I were you, I'd probably act the same. Never would want that on anyone!
b) Especially when we're about to sleep and we're already half-asleep, and accidentally have one of our fingers slip, it'd help fix any of preventable mistakes that could happen! ex: accidentally wasting 1k+ , etc.

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𓆱𓃥 ⭒foxfire
⭒ 𓃦 𓆱 (#77306)

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Posted on
2021-07-06 11:14:46
No support. More annoying confirmation pop-ups are never something I'm down for. I just don't like 'em.


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Edited on 06/07/21 @ 11:15:26 by EldritchVulpine (#77306)

spottix [inactive] (#174415)

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Posted on
2021-07-06 11:22:43
I can see what you mean. But sometimes confirmation pop-ups could save a life. (Not literally, but you know what i mean xD) There are pop-ups for nearly everything on Lioden, so one more wouldn't hurt anything. It would prevent stuff that happened to me and many others.

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Edited on 06/07/21 @ 11:23:08 by Spottix (#174415)

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