Posted by Easy and fun foddering for males

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2021-07-17 12:30:48
In this game plain/"potato" males have very little use. They can patrol for low-value items, but that is about it. The only males worth having about are your king and an heir; so, plain males are chased/nature reserved/killed for a small karma gain or loss and nothing more. They are not even worth aging up to check for adult mutations as male AMPs are very low-value.

I orginally suggested a submale breeding system activated via a quest- though I loved the NPC, Loki, and the storyline it was bought to my attention that submale breeding is automatically rejected. So, a twist on that concept.

Plain females do have some use as they can still be used for mass breeding, but thier main use is in furfilling the lioness quest. What if we had a quest quite similar for males?

- it would reduce the clog of male adols at the tree usually present outside of the short time window of the one-way portal being open
- it would offer a fresh NPC and storyline; these are released very rarely outside of events and those who do not participate in events deserve new content
- it would also offer the exclusive herb Cumin which would slightly increse male cubs in your next breeding, very useful for when you are breeding for an heir but cannot acsess a Red Cock. It would increse male cub liklihood in next litter by 20%, and you can use up to three per breeding bringing the total perspective boost to 60%. This still leaves space for the 100% boost of a Red Cock to be valuable but also gives value to this questline. (think of this like this quest's equal to the lion meat). You gain one per quest completion. Lastly the Cumin should offer some balence to all the males 'lost' via the quest.
- it would offer small exp, impression and energy gains. Alongside the Cumin this creates a healthy value for plain, unkingable male lions. (either a gain of 2% impression, 500exp or 20 energy per quest completion, each have an equal random chance of being selected)
- adds value to patrol as this unlocks quest
- main gain is one random decor. Which decors, or if there should be new ones, I'm not too sure on. Please do suggest your ideas for this part! If new decor is wanted, I'm thinking decors that fit the revolt theme; body paint, a flag, etc?
- it's a fun addition to the game's already healthy selection of quests and storylines!

It is activated by you triggering the quest when this notification appears after a patrol:
your submales return and inform you they saw an odd lion on your boarders. They are talking of revolt and submale freedom!"
tell them to cut it out, they have it sweet. -> quest rejected
you hear them. You where a sub once too! Times gotta change!" -> explore encounter unlocked

after one rollover you can encounter Loki in explore.
Hey dude, wanna chill?
Nah, busy right now man. [quest rejected. You return to explore and quest cannot be reunlocked for seven rollovers. If you click past you simply find it once more later, no rollover cooldown]
Sure, Whatup? -> quest unlocked
I think submales are just being ignored, you know? We have no say. I travel the lands freeing subs and advocating for our freedom! We should be able to have cubs, to explore, to do what WE want!
That sounds like it would, I don't know, break society?..
Nah, that's just what they say, man. You gotta open your mind and see the possibility. Anyway, help us out?"
I need more brains onboard. I need an ARMY, dude. Hardly anyone joins though, too attached to thier shackles! You send some of your guys over here to help me spread the word, and I'll pay you for the trouble. Unless, you wanna join?
I got a pride to run.. I wish, man. How many do you need?
send over your best... thirty?
Wow, I'll see what I can do.."

Males that are submitted must be at least five months old, not be on patrol, not be on any cooldown, and younger then fifteen years. Any decor with over zero uses still equipped when submitted will loose a use and return to hoard. The males will not appear in dynasty and the choice is permanent.

This gives you a profitable way to dispose of unwanted males! As adols can be submitted I think thirty is a reasonable number. As they do not require specific features like those submitted to the gorrilas this is an easier feature to use for 'foddering' males.

once thirty have been submitted the rewards are given and Loki's quest cannot be unlocked for seven rollovers. Thanks, dude. We'll hit the road now, we have work to do!

LORE: I invision Loki as the son of the barbary lion and Wenet. He is named after the god of mischeif.
IMAGE: this is a mock-up of Loki: in progress

This suggestion has 10 supports and 7 NO supports.

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