Posted by Lionfish's G2 Bisected Piebalds

Lionfish (#57868)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 07:18:45
(I'll make this thread fancy with cool CSS later I promise)

Heyo, my name's Lionfish and my king, Beekeeper, is currently the only king on lioden who is a gen 1 bisected piebald. This is a pretty rare thing considering how difficult it is to get the original Mutie on Demand: Piebald applicator!

This thread is to sell the g2 bisected piebald cubs I get from him!

My rate is 10gb each, though I will also look at other offers on the trades.

Currently for sale:
Male G2 Bisected Cub, sold with mom
Male G2 Bisected Cub, sold with mom
Female G2 Bisected Cub, sold with mom
Female G2 Bisected Cub, sold with mom

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Edited on 27/08/21 @ 09:10:33 by Lionfish - g1 bisected (#57868)

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