Posted by ISO plants, flowers, grass, animals H: 100gb

kittenlily 🐈 (#50738)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 12:41:04
hello ^^ I'm revamping my pride at the moment and consequentially, im looking for a shit ton of decors. I have a few specifically in mind but I'm working with someone to get the currently, and in the meantime, im looking for tons of filler decor.

literally offer whatever you have and dont need. any flowers, plants, trees, grass, vines, rocks, branches, etc

also, will take birds, small animals, frogs, HORSES, anything! I'm a big decor collector.

I have over 100gb to offer, about 7k sb, and a lot of breeding items and such for bulk deals. just offer!

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O Colorbomb (#194888)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 12:45:36
heyo i have tons on decor xD

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kittenlily 🐈 (#50738)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 12:51:51
okay! what are you willing to sell? do you wanna ss and post all your decor or just type it?

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O Colorbomb (#194888)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 12:57:59
yeah, i try to get all 34 decor sides in imgur

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O Colorbomb (#194888)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 13:04:38

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O Colorbomb (#194888)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 13:05:09
So whats everything i have, you can look around x3

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kittenlily 🐈 (#50738)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 15:07:45
you're literally amazing LOL! thank you so much for taking the time to do that. here's a list of what I'm interested in, could I get some price checks?

-Amani Sunbird
-Ancient Papyrus
-Barbary Fig
-Bushman Poison
-Curious African Painted Dog
-Christmas Rose Garland
-Desert Elephant
-Flower Crown [Blue and Pink]
-ANY of the glowing sigils
-Greater Flamingo
-Halo of Swords
-Hanging Flora ***
-Helinus integrefigrous
-Hieroglyphs Bracelets
-Jewelry: Purple Sarong
-Jewelry: Kanga [Amethyst]
-Marula Branch
-Montane Charaxes
-Namib Desert Horse
-Pink Pigeon
-Portal to Oblivion
-Royal Cloak
-Two banded chameleon
-Waterfall cave mouth *********

Thank you so much for taking the time to do all that, again! I really appreciate it :D

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Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 15:12:35

my decors are in there

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Vamrachiere (#99108)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 15:13:14

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Edited on 04/08/21 @ 15:14:04 by Vamrachiere (#99108)

Oblivions [G1 BO
Majivu] (#99583)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 15:24:45
flowers, plants, trees, grass, vines, rocks, branches, etc

also, will take birds, small animals, frogs, HORSES,

African Flower Ornaments: Lily of the Nile, Herbal (2 use), Pink baby violet (2 use), Plumbago, Phlox
African Pink Violet
Albino ball python x7
Barn Owl Chick
Beautiful Mantella
Blooming Vine
Braun's Bushshrike
Bundle of Lovebirds Peach-faced (2 use)
Cabbage palm
Candelabra Flowers x3
Candy Cane Sorrel x4
Canopy Chameleon
Cat's Whiskers
Chirping Lovebirds x2
Christmas berry (4 use)
Cuddling Rabbits (4 use)
Delicate Lavender crown (4 use)
Devil's Backbone
Elephant Ear Plant x2
Elephant Ear Umbrella
Fairy bell
Fairy Iris x2
Festive Garland frame (4 use)
Field of clovers x3
Fortnight Lily
Frances' Sparrowhead
Frozen branches, frozen tree x2
Giant albino land snail
Giant coua
Grandidier's Tuft mouse
Greater hedgehog
Grey-headed albatross
Herb pouch x3
Hildeberg painted lady x5
Injured zebra foal
Kalanchoe flowers x3
King's mantle flower garland
Lily of the nile x4
Lion pride mouling
Madagascan rail
Malagasy Giant Chameleon
Malagasy Scops Owl x2
Mauritius blue pigeon
Melanistic caracal (6 use)
Merry AWD decor (7 use)
Merry gray wolf
Monarch of the Veld
Natal fig tree x3
Negev iris x3
Peacock tree frog x2
Pearl and flower ornaments (purple)
Peracca's madagascan frog
Poinsettia flowers x4
Proud gray crowned (something bird)
Pussy ears
Reunion fody
Reunion sheldgoose x2
Rock dove
Somali thrush
Starry jasmine branch x2
Subantarctic Fur Seal
The ones who suffered: koala and kangaroo
Traveler's Palm
Two-banded chameleon x2
Van Dam's vanga
Violet-backed starling (9 use)
Wild centaury x2
Willowmore cedar
Wine cups x2
Withered Sun Crown
S: African tulip tree
S: aloe decor x3
GE Greece: mute swan (4 use)

Are you interested in backgrounds as well or just decor?

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Oblivions [G1 BO
Majivu] (#99583)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 15:37:15
I have jewelry too:

Beetle Chitin crown: opal
Beetle chitin nose chain: green
Dancer Chains Gold and silver x3
Endangered hipwear: gorilla, koppie blue, painted dog (3 use) and zebra
Faux Leatherwear chthonic
Faux Mohawk sparkly
Feather Body Ornaments fabulous
Feathered Leg Wraps purple starling
Iridescent Feather tailwrap Malachite and Scimtarbill
- Bee Bedlah
- Charming chains: sparkling opal and moss agate
- Coffee sarong
- Coal shard necklace
- Garnet chains
- Giant stick insect bedlah
- Gray & purple bedlah
- Kanga amethyst
- Kanga sparkly
- Limb adornments carnelian
- Loop scarf amethyst
- Purple sarong
- Rainbow bedlah
- Rough ruby shard necklace
- Veiled crown amethyst
Murex Tailwraps: babelomurex and
Murex chestwraps: babelomurex
Phantom quartz necklace

and backgrounds:

A walk on the beach
Australian Fires (both)
Black panther in the shadows
Can you feel the love
Duat: lake of fire
Equinox full moon
Ethiopian wolves
Floating hearts (8 use)
Flowering vines
Loneliness (8 use)
Microburst rains
Pure morning
Romantic beach
Romantic waterfall
Siberia fire
South african meadows
Sudd marshes
Swartberg mountains (2 use)

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zacharie! (#75032)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 15:46:45
Heya! I also have a buttload of decor, if you're interested :"D

I've got a thread set up over here already, and I'm happy to do bundle deals if there's multiple you'd want. If not, no worries and good luck on your search

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O Colorbomb (#194888)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 15:51:55
@kittenlily sure x3

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O Colorbomb (#194888)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 16:13:55
All prices are checked - TC and Branch x3
-Amani Sunbird - 100SB
-Ancient Papyrus - 450SB
-Barbary Fig - 100SB
-Bushman Poison - 5GB (only one in the TC/Branch)
-Curious African Painted Dog - nothing available in TC/Branch = Offer?
-Christmas Rose Garland - 3,5kSB/3GB
-Desert Elephant - 1kSB/1GB
-Flower Crown [Blue and Pink] 350SB
-ANY of the glowing sigils
: War 3GB
: Death 1GB
: Famine 1GB
: Pestilence 2GB
-Greater Flamingo 700SB
-Halo of Swords - nothing available in TC/Branch = Offer?
-Hanging Flora *** - 300SB
-Helinus integrefigrous - 1200SB/1GB +200SB
-Hieroglyphs Bracelets - 2GB
-Jewelry: Purple Sarong - no actually price in TC/Branch = Offer?
-Jewelry: Kanga [Amethyst] - nothing available in TC/Branch = Offer?
-Kiwano - nothing available in TC/Branch = Offer?
-Marula Branch - 250SB
-Montane Charaxes - nothing available in TC/Branch = Offer?
-Namib Desert Horse - /GB
-Pink Pigeon - 900SB
-Portal to Oblivion - 1GB
-Royal Cloak - 2GB+800SB
-Two banded chameleon - 500SB
-Waterfall cave mouth - nothing available in TC/Branch = Offer?

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kittenlily 🐈 (#50738)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 16:36:51
@Vamarachie: How much for...

-[S] Natal Bottlebrush
-[S] Sugarbush
-African Locust Bean Tree
-Ancient Papyrus
-Babiana Tail Wrap
-Madagascar Periwinkle
-Monarch of the Veld
-Powder-Puff Tree
-Royal Cloak
-Saharan Cypress
-Sitting Ring-Tailed Lemur
-Veil of Sunset
-Wadjet Bracelets
-War Paint: Stealth
-Winged Sun
-Expression: Shy Groupie
-Fairy Iris
-Fluffy Chicks
-Forest Underbrush
-ANY Glowing Sigils
-Hieroglyph Bracelets

-Australian Fires: Blue Meadows
-Cape Floral Kingdom
-Cozy Waterhole
-Flowering Fynbos

Thank you!

@Oblivions: Price Check for

-Elephant Ear Plant
-Giant ALbino Land Snail
-Natal Fig Tree
-Jewelry: Kanga Anethyst

Thank you!

@Zach: I'll check the thread!

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kittenlily 🐈 (#50738)

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Posted on
2021-08-04 16:40:13
@Maery: I'll take the

-Ancient Papyrus - 450SB
-Barbary Fig - 100SB
-Curious African Painted Dog - 1gb
-Desert Elephant - 1kSB/1GB
-Halo of Swords - 1gb
-Hanging Flora *** - 300SB
-Jewelry: Kanga [Amethyst] - 800sb
-Montane Charaxes - 400sb

For a total of 3gb & 2,050sb, or just 5gb? Does that work for you?

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