Posted by -LOCKED - Hiding Kitsune CS

MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-08-08 08:30:13

Main Roleplay Thread


Role(slave ,loose, or on island):
N.o of tails:

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Edited on 09/08/21 @ 17:19:46 by MidKnight (#222934)

MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-08-08 08:43:04
Name: MidKnight
Age: looks 20 but is much older
Role(slave ,loose, or on island): Goddess
Description: A black 9 tailed kitsune. She has gold eyes and wears black leather in human form with a hood. She wears 2 swords on her back and several hidden daggers on her.
Powers: She has goddess level of power. Not. all her power is known. She does have quite a few powers for sneaking around and some elements magic that is known.
No of tails:9

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Edited on 08/08/21 @ 08:50:32 by MidKnight (#222934)

🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2021-08-08 12:01:45
Sakura Falls
Looks about 16-ish, is actually 19. (Because we are just like that)
Role(slave, loose, or on island):
Kitsune Form:
When in kitsune form, she has exactly three tails and quite long fur that smells of cherry blossoms. Her fur seems to be a very light, and quite attractive pink color. She has darker pink speckles all around her fur and a white muzzle, paws, tail tip(s), and the inside of her ears. Her eyes are a delicate snow-blue.

Human Form
When in her human form, she has shoulder-length hair that seems to be the same color as her ears and tail: a very light pastel-colored pink. She tends to wear hair clips that seem to have cherry blossom flowers on them. Her choice of clothing wear are white dresses with long sleeves and knee-high socks. Sometimes she’ll wear shoes..

Falls also is at a quite short height of 5’1”, so it is quite easy for someone to dominate over her. Sakura also smells of flowers, such as cherry blossoms.
Sakura has the power of healing, and when she chooses to heal a certain injured someone she uses a special rod called a ‘Wane Festal’. Sometimes she’ll use a ‘Sun Festal’.
N.O of tails:
3 (When in her human form it’s only 1)

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Scorpioness (#225561)

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Posted on
2021-08-09 17:11:30
Name: Kuroyuri Bell

Age: looks 19, but real age is unknown

Role(slave ,loose, or on island): runaway slave (loose)


Kitsune form:
Kuroyuri is beautiful fox with deep cherry red fur that darkens to very dark blue that appears black on his paws and ear tips, the same shade covers back of his neck creating uneven rugged dorsal line. He has bright red eyes and he very faintly smells like lilies and warm fireplace.

Human form:
Kuroyuri in his human form appears to look very young, he has big red eyes and androgynous face, his hair remains the same color as his fur in his kitsune form, because of his naturally fluent and silent movements and very slim almost feminine figure he gives off elegant, but inaccesible aura. He wears black robes with floral motifs.

For a twotailed fox Kuroyuri is quite powerful fighter, it's unknown how but he menaged to learn to fight sword and use his fire-based magic (self-explanatory). Whenever he unsheaths his sword it seems like all sounds mute out for a moment and you can hear the clear sound of windchimes and can smell the scent of lilies.
The sword itself has matte black color with subtele gold floral decorations on it's sheath, handle where it extends to the handguard and blade, the handguard seems to have windchimes mixed in the floral motif. The swords name is "Heavenly Bell of Night" and it appears to be ancient.
He can use unique to him ability "Trail of Black Petal's", which casts kind of tracking curse on his victim, that can lead him to his real target... It is very easy to notice as the victim start to sprout poisonous black flowers in injured places and eyes, the flowers take one day to fully grow and then continously loose petals, after the victim dies or eradicates the curse, the flowers take up in nearest new host that has any connections with target, it doesn't work on kitsunes and it can be used if there are absolutly no other traces leading up to that bad guy. However it can be stopped, however it is very hard to do so without Kuroyuri's will, with the only thing preventing it are antimagic artifacts.

N.o of tails: 2

Kuroyuri was slave working as a part of the performing cast in the brothel, he was dancing, playing on instrument and obviously working physically because he was pretty enough for the owners and patrons... One night after he finally ended his shift with quite rude patron, in his working place appeared some shady people talking about some sort of "deal" with the owners, after about an hour they heard some commotion and screams, minutes later the estabilishment started burning. The perperators seemed to kill the owners and tried to catch as many kitsune's as they could, Kuroyuri miracoulusly menaged to escape... He later had found some ruins of some ancient sacred placea and hide, this where he had found his sword... The sword appears to be have an ancient spirit...

- Kuroyuri literally means "Black Lily"
- he rarerly talks

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Edited on 10/08/21 @ 06:36:32 by Scorpioness (#225561)

MidKnight (#222934)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2021-08-10 14:44:04
Name: Yami
Age: unknown
Role(slave ,loose, or on island): slave
Description: A pure black 7 tailed kitsune. He is rarely seen in human form in which he is a handsome man with black hair and green eyes.
Powers: illusion, regeneration god level power in anything to do with causing micheif
N.o of tails: 7

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Edited on 10/08/21 @ 16:11:38 by MidKnight (#222934)

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