Posted by Fire tornado or fire whirl

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Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2021-08-08 19:30:13
If this has been suggested already, I apologize.

I figured this would be something cool to get for the August event in either an extremely rare explore encounter while seeing the burning area that can give you the [D] Great Fires Background or in the Destroyers shop as a background like Smoke on The Water for 400 CB. (Heck anything tornadic would make me change allegiances to get the background should it ever happen)

I have two ideas, one is slightly more rare than the other. But both are equally terrifying.

What are fire tornadoes and fire whirls?

This is a fire tornado. Intense forest fires cause their own weather patterns like the Loyalton fire did in California last year. It created pyrocumulonimbus clouds, basically a thunderstorm created from the fire itself. And this created a super cell which in turn created an EF3 rated fire tornado. This was a legit tornado that is not made of fire, but created from the weather of the wildfire.

Fire whirls are not true tornadoes. They are caused by hot air and gasses rising from the smoke of a fire and can contain winds equivalent to a weak tornado, but are not actually tornadic in nature. They are made out of fire as the picture shows. This could probably be more like the Dust Devil that we can create out of the Windy decors since that is not a true tornado either.

I apologize if this sounds half baked or what have you. If you all dislike this, that's cool. We're all entitled to our own opinions.

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