Posted by Transferring Items w/ Linked Accounts

0RPHEUS | celestite
collector (#207045)

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Posted on
2021-08-10 12:39:55
I often transfer items, currency, lions, etc. between my two [linked] accounts. I'll send things to my side for, for example, to play the Slots minigame, or to impress this week's Raffle Lioness, or to send a lioness I could use for breeding on my side. I'll do the same from my side to my main- EXP items, unique tree cubs, certain NCLs, etc.

And every single time I transfer anything [using the gifting method], I always get a game notification saying "You have been gifted [whatever item] by [my main/side]". Sure, it's just a notification, but it gets quite annoying when you're doing it so many times a day. I transfer things between accounts at least 5 times a day, so after a while, clearing those notifications just becomes annoying.
"You could just leave the notification be!" - No, I don't want to. I have a habit on not just Lioden, but every website [Gmail, Discord, etc.] to check every single notification I get immediately.

We already have the function to transfer event currency between linked accounts, which gives no notifications at all. You just type in the amount of currency you want to send, and it gets sent over, no notifications.
I'm suggesting possibly adding a function similar to that.

Maybe, let's say if you go to your linked account's profile, there can be a box at the very bottom, much like in the Event tab, where you can transfer currency, lions, items, etc. [would look similar to the current Gifting menu].

While this is just a minor nuisance which may honestly only affect myself, I believe it could be a good addition to the game.

This suggestion has 22 supports and 0 NO supports.

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