Posted by LF: DB / BUFFY BALLS o: apps, GMO cow, rare lions!

TetraTwinkle ─★
(side) (#133795)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-08-12 17:47:34
Looking for Dry Bones in bulk of 600 DB. My trades are all set up with pricing so please read the 'wanted in return' section.

If one of my trades say "3 buffy balls" it means I would like 1800 DB worth of buffy balls for that trade, which is 3 buffy balls. Simply buy the balls with your DB from the event shop and offer them on the trade you would like!

I have priced my items by the lowest prices on branch from the time I created the trades.

My trades

Item Trades/other

Side Acc trade rare lions

One trade is of this account and the other are trades up on my side account.

I have various apps, breeding items and RARE lions such as a LEOPON, gilded girls with breed only marks and a RAFFLE LIONESS clone of the celestial lioness, it’s a valuable lion and would be the FIRST king of its kind (if kinged of course lol)

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Edited on 13/08/21 @ 10:47:02 by lil pika 🐭 (#133795)

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