Posted by Suggestion: Fix Patches Croupe

Sprigatito G1 Deca (#169873)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 17:53:06
I'm unsure if I'm the only one, but I'm pretty sure Croupe is the least liked Patch mut right now. It currently has the lowest number of kings (44) and is the third lowest number of living Pie/Patch muts (900) as a result. Compared to the other 5 available pies/patches from that mod, it is incredibly low in number of lions with the mut.

It just seems like it could be a lot more detailed to make it more attractive; maybe patches going up the spine, or a bit on the face of the lion like the Slender pie is?

Any thoughts? Agree/Disagree? Please let me know!

Support Patches (Croupe) being a bit prettier!

This suggestion has 11 supports and 20 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/08/21 @ 17:53:37 by Incineroar G1 x4 Rosette (#169873)

samael (#237217)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 18:13:44
I mean,,, I support. Croupe is sort of lacking out.

Although I am a little hesitant because I have a character design for a roleplay I'm in, and croupe looks perfect for them, so changing the design may interfere with the character in general. But I guess that's just me lmao. :,,)

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Fern [side] (#163971)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 18:27:40
I personally like it as it is Not entirely opposed to the idea of changing it, but if that's the case then I'd like it to go through a site poll with mock-ups first.

I feel it's worth acknowledging that just as some pies/patches/mutations are more popular, it's inevitable that there will be ones that are less popular. As far as number of living individuals go, Vernal patches and Mottled pie both have even fewer than Croupe. It's not that there's anything wrong with them, they just... aren't as popular. That said, I'm more concerned about Croupe and especially Mottled than I am about Vernal, because the latter is more recent and has a unique applicator, so there's less of a chance of it dying out in comparison.

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Brutus - x2 Ros
Serruria (#153099)

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Posted on
2021-09-02 19:05:18
Croupe is actually my fav patch and i feel if they changed it id be rather sad. Soory, no support!

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