Posted by Imperials, BO specials, patches, felis G2 for JB

Jagless X!e L!an (#180927)

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Posted on
2021-09-01 08:42:00
Nice to meet you here!
I have some pretty and very special lions for sale. You can buy them for Golden beetles () or for Jewelry beetles (JB). Conversation rate: 1 = 10 JB.

Find link for the lion you like under the pictures!
#1 g2 mane imperial, 600 JB. Rare mutation! All heats!
#2 g2 mane imperial, cordovan, 700 JB. Rare mutation, the only cordovan imperial in game! All heats!
#3 G2 corrupted example, 300 JB. I have many corrupted for heirs or queens, check this cave! They are clean, the shortest gen corrupted adols&cubs with the highest in TC stats. Their father was the highest G1 corrupted and now he is retired.
important: all this lions except some corrupteds are on my friends account and are "frozen". They will be rolled after 2 or 3 tier of shop opening!
#4 g2 maziwa cub, 150 JB.
#5 scoundrel adult iris eyes, 510 JB. The only scoundrel with iris eyes in game! +4 breed only markings. She is clean low gen!
bought #6 g2 269 stats smilus adol, 250 JB. 2 bo markings, royal mane.
#7 g2 288 stats felis adol, clay eyes and 2 bo markings.
#8 g2 dhahabi adol, the only dhahabi with burnish eyes in game!
bought #9 g2 overgrown claws adult male
#10 g2 felis adol, 272 stats. 250 JB Royal mane, 2 bo markings.
#11 g2 felis cub, glaze eyes! 250 JB, 285 stats + 2 bo markings, Elysian mane.
#12 g2 double rosette DHR+RHR cub, 150 JB. Rare rosette combination! +2 bo markings, Elysian mane.
#13 g2 felis cub, 300 stats, 250 JB. 3 bo markings + Elysian mane.
And more G2 rosettes and folded ears, primals, mane muts for single decs! Check my trades on my main and side and ask about price!

You may also be interested in trading your event currency for or apps? Visit my apps&GB shop! Click the link!

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Edited on 05/09/21 @ 22:05:35 by Xie Lian (#180927)

Jagless X!e L!an (#180927)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 10:27:55
Lion #9 was bought!

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Jagless X!e L!an (#180927)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-05 21:25:22
Lion #6 was bought!

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