Posted by Rosettes?

✨TripRose✨ (#78641)

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Posted on
2021-09-02 21:20:09
How much do rosettes sell for based on % and type

IE Noctis Heavy Rosette 100% would sell for what est?

+ How much does Noctis base sell for and how much would a noctis base + noctis heavy rosette 100% sell for?

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surrelian [main | BO
Haze] (#103352)

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Posted on
2021-09-02 22:46:52
Precent doesn't effect price as its easily changed! However type does matter. Heavy Rosettes are the most desired(based on my experience) and other rosettes usually sell for less, especially if its something like a ginger rosette. Most people like Noctis/Ebony colored rosettes.

If a lion only has one rosette then they usually sell for 500-1000sb.

Noctis base doesn't add much value at all. Most on TC are sold for less than 150sb. So just considering the base and NHR (not any other marks/clean/dirty/etc.) it would be around 650sb.

But if they were dirty it'd probably be 200-300sb.

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Edited on 03/09/21 @ 00:37:29 by sleepytea🌿[G2 NHR/EHR Haze] (#103352)

✨TripRose✨ (#78641)

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Posted on
2021-09-03 22:16:17
Thank you ! I was led to believe they were much more expensive :c

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surrelian [main | BO
Haze] (#103352)

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Posted on
2021-09-03 22:21:38
Np! Rosettes are expensive but only when there is multiple on one lion and especially on a good base. A lion with three rosettes can sell for around 50gb and if one has a breed only base they can be 150gb+ :)

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✨TripRose✨ (#78641)

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Posted on
2021-09-03 22:22:27
ooo thanks !

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Momo Ayase (#431439)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-10-02 22:50:55
Hello, Hello, I am still new. This post was very helpful and is helping me learn about rosettes. I am still a bit new, and this is the first time I am asking a thread. I have a lion I plan on making king in a few days that has phantom rosettes. And cannot figure out how much I should be charging for studding requests, or how much the markings go on for a lion.

I also see some cubs priced at 70GB for 1 phantom rosette in 1 marking slot, then I see someone pricing them for 8GB clean, just large families -- if I were to sell some cubs of my own later...

Can someone maybe help break down the price for the hybrid markings? Or point me in a direction or thread that could maybe help?

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Edited on 02/10/24 @ 22:52:57 by Banana (#431439)

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