Posted by Gathering the look

overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2021-09-23 03:40:33

A teen lioness sighs as she trots into the center area. with a Malayan Colugo on her back,


"Alright, so my king has asked that I tend to this end of the heir look retrieval. So I'll explain how it will go here." She said seeming rather agitated, likely due to her company.

A large Eagle-owl lands on a tree just in front of the lioness, "Balthazar will keep track of transactions. Glimmerfrost said that the ratio shall go as such." She said as she took a breath.

"Base apps, are worth between 6-9 refunded studs each, depending on age. Marking apps are variant on type and age, with anything from the oasis only being worth 3 refunded studs a piece. Event marking apps are worth 7 refunded studs a piece, Crafted are worth 8 and Enclave sets are worth 9. The only exception to the rule are Brawl, Rumble, any locust and such which are only worth 4-6 refunded studs a piece."

She paused to let you catch up and ask questions, she would then begin again.

"Decor are a different beast entirely. The king places them in four catagories and prices each catagory as follows.
foreground: 3-5refunded studs each Priced as such since most explore decor is foreground
Midground: 4-7 refunded studs each Not as common over all and most will blend if done right
Backgrounds and background decor: 6-9 refunded studs a pieceThese often depend on how attainable they are, so a Great fire might be worth much less than this, for example.
Body decor: Varies on decor and rarityThese are what we are really after, and so we are more likely to take item sets offered with these more seriously.

Our blue friends here are to watch for any beetles offered. The king and the prince happily take these at 1gb=2refunded studs or a lifetime of refunded studs for any amount above 10gb. Stargaze and I are willing to offer cubs instead of breedings for those who would prefer that. any 2 cubs for 500sb or 5 for 1gb.

We are looking for items for the following looks:


But are willing to take just about any worth while app or decor. That being said; We will Not accept the following: Bloodbath, Eager cub, Bug decor from explore.

We are also looking for Vulture eggs and broken drones at 1 refunded stud per 3 of each.

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Edited on 23/09/21 @ 03:44:38 by Unova Solarflare{StampsWelcome (#51172)

overseer (#51172)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-23 03:41:48

Balthazar's corner

SoundWave (#227912)- 7 refunded studs- Herb Grove at Night

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Edited on 23/09/21 @ 14:17:46 by Unova Solarflare{StampsWelcome (#51172)

overseer (#51172)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-23 03:42:17

Pidgeon hole

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