Posted by LF: Ethiopians and Japanese people!

Nefei • G2
Celestial (#163640)

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Posted on
2021-10-07 03:28:39

Right now I'm working on a school project, we have to make a small game about a future city (in 2050) with the concept of Urban Village (think China Town-like places, communities that form a small town within a city). We placed this city in Ethiopia and we're focussing on the Japanese community in this city. We would like to keep this as accurate as possible for obvious reasons. No one likes their culture misunderstood. But in order to be able to do this accurately, we prefer to get some information from people who are from there/have lived there etc., rather than just relying on what google tells us.

To put a long story short:
I'm looking for people who are from/(have) live(d) in either Ethiopia or Japan to ask some questions to!

This can be through this thread, pm's, discord, your preference! All help is appreciated, it doesn't matter if you can't answer a lot of questions or don't want to answer some of them.

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Polaris *G2 x3 ros
tovero* (#233247)

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Posted on
2022-07-31 10:23:11
Hi! I'm part Chinese but I'm not sure if Japan and China are similar for you? (If you know what I mean)

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