Posted by Chemistry Combo Base - Mercury
smileymittens (side) (#230505)

King of the Jungle
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2021-10-16 12:32:32
As you probably know, cinnabar and sulfur are bases in lioden. However, something less known is that cinnabar's alternate name is mercury sulfide. It would be cool if we could have chemistry compound bases in lioden. But having cinnabar as a combo base would mess up the genetics system. Therefore, i am suggesting that we get a new base, Mercury, and have that as a cinnabar x sulfur combo.

In my brain, Mercury would look like a liquidy silver recolor of gilded/rosegold with black medium solid genes.

This suggestion has 15 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 16/10/21 @ 12:32:55 by smileymittensart (#230505)

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