Posted by Auctioning G1 Submales! [CLOSED]

✨ Lumity ✨ (#101207)

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Posted on
2021-11-06 18:35:32
Sold them for some friends ^^

Welcome to my sales topic! Be sure to be nice, respectful, not beg for stuff and all that jazz

If you make a bid please do not remove it, just offer what you have!

I'm selling my G1, heritageless submales, both with more than 2k stats! 

Will accept some items as paymant, but GB or a mix of GB and items is always preferable. For mixed offers, half of the bid will have to be in pure GB . Will not accept lions, hybrids or heats.

Items I'm accepting

Buff Balls - 25

Ochre Gnawrock - 20

Ochre Saltlick - 15

Giant Tortoise - 1 each (50x max)

RMA - 1 each (25x max)

Haunted Body - 10 (3x max)

Lions avaliable

It's likely that the offer accepted will be the one that reflects the curent stats the lion have, as I will continue to patrol them until the day they are brought (I want them gone preferebly before they hit the 14yo mark). The decors are merely for fun, they will not be included when the lion is sold.


G1, Male, 2k stats, 10y4m

SB: 100

MI: 10

AB: 150  

Current bid: ------


G1, Male, MELANISM , 2.1k stats, 11y2m

SB: 150

MI: 15 

AB: 200

Current bid: ------

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Edited on 09/11/21 @ 13:56:44 by ✨ Lumity ✨ (#101207)

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