Posted by Selling Pon

🌿Crystal🌿 (#231915)

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Posted on
2021-11-26 14:58:25
Hey! I’m selling my girl! She’s still young, 5yrs and 3 months so a bunch of heats left.
I want at least 225 GB

Lion Scrot (20 GB)
Buffy (15 GB)
GMO Cow (40 GB)
Intstellar App (20 GB)
Frostbite app (10 GB)
Crunchie (20 GB)
Mukombero (30 GB)
GOP (5 GB)
Any MOD (100 GB)
Great tit (3 GB)
Gnaw (15 GB)

Or pure GB

Will also take a young hybrid/lethals!

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2021-12-10 16:33:26
Will you take any art into consideration? [fair warning; I cannot draw humans/humanoid creatures]

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🌿Crystal🌿 (#231915)

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Posted on
2021-12-10 16:35:58
‘I’m not selling this pon anymore, but I maybe consider offers on my young gon. Only if art was included, not just art alone

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2021-12-10 16:45:56
Ah right!
if I get any MoDs on the 25th, I'm not 100% interested in them, or any other breeding items, so i can toss them in with any art you'd like me to do.
Examples below:
and I have more to show if you're still interested.
I can also sell heart shells to you for february [I have 101 from last year] as I don't get buffies or breeding items myself [I will likely stock up this year though, but I can get 100-200 event things in a day because I'm on for roughly 18 hours a day]
Or get you anything from this months event [I have 360 stink bugs and I'm not particularly interested in anything so far in the tiers].
I also have 717 meteorite shards if that's worth anything [Never stayed on for the event]
I can also finish off paying for two payments over the weekend or the christmas holidays and gather GB for extra boosters [i can get roughly 3-4gb a day when it's not a weekday]

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🌿Crystal🌿 (#231915)

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Posted on
2021-12-10 16:47:14
Oh so what would your full offer be?

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2021-12-10 16:52:10
I can do up to 8 art pieces [the worth of each art type is on my comms: ]
Spend any heartshells I can for you
Any meteorite shards
and any stink bugs
i can also gather other event bugs for you for any other event you want to purchase from [I never really buy stuff from the shop myself lol]
I can also gather quite a bit of gb once I've paid a combined total of 50gb for a dwarf and gon heat I made a payment plan for a week ago [Should be done by the 25th considering how much GB i can gather over the weekend].

of course, if you have any ideas yourself, you can gladly suggest something

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interstellar (#252463)

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Posted on
2022-04-01 18:33:26
hi! you might need to update the worth in a lot of these items so far i’ve seen errors in these ones
mukombero (300gb)
great tit(10gb)
interstellar app(60 gb)
and a lot of mods go for 150-200+ gb

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