Posted by G2 Strat Celestial Child

❆Aislyn | G2
Piebino❆ (#224216)

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Posted on
2021-12-17 08:14:57


Allow me to introduce you to Aniron. He is the first child of the first Celestial Raffle Lioness awarded in July 2021. He is a G2 Strat boy with the Stratosphere Undercoat marking in S10. He is one of 10 total Strat kings. He is the first Strat king with this marking. There is another king with it, but Aniron is the first. I'm sure that will change soon as his marks get spread around but he will always remain the first king with it.

Feline 3 Silver (S3)
Vitiligo 8 (S4)
White Tuxedo (S9)
Stratosphere Undertone (S10)

Stud Rules
Stud Fee: 1 GB or 1000 SBs
★ Please do not use Crunchy Worms to copy his appearance exactly
★ He will breed to "dirty" lionesses
★ He will NOT breed to his own children
★ Please use an item to boost the fertility of your lioness if your lioness has a fertility lower than 10%
★ No stud racing
★ Removing your stud request after he has spent energy on your lioness will result in being black balled from future stud requests
★ DU's will be charged double in stud fees

I am usually on so he will get to your girl pretty quickly unless he is out of energy at the time of your request. He will get there eventually though

Thank you for respecting his stud rules and for checking him out. If you happen to get any special cubs from him I would love to see them :)

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Edited on 18/12/21 @ 03:50:37 by Aislyn | G2 Strat (#224216)

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