Posted by Bilby's Feb Heats [OPEN]

Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2022-01-01 20:25:08


alrighty! Hopefully this doesn't get too overwhelming :'')
Offering a selection of my clone lines, hybrids, DU lines & other shinies for barked heats.


✨ Lions will not leave my den. (this is stressful enough as-is lmao)
✨ Where suitable, prices will be listed as split vs full – split is a bit cheaper but cub choices go you/me/you/me, full you receive the whole litter. Please be prepared with aging stone accordingly!
✨ I reserve the right to refuse to do business, but I hope to never have to enforce it (so please do not beg, block evade, etc)
✨ Yohimbe barks only thank you! No SoDs.

✨ my side account Superstition is available for studdings, but will only be rolled on Mondays, so be sure to lmk ahead of time and plan around that if so! They are available to be base-changed for combos if app provided ^^

~necessary items~
✨ 20x yohimbe barks
✨ Grain of Paradise OR Buffalo Scrotum
✨ IBF + aging stones for all kept cubs + fees for whatever stud is used

~highly recommended~
✨ Opal saltlicks & rock salts – I pride myself on the BO-traits of my pons ^^
✨ Crunchy worms on relevant lions
✨ Gnawrocks on multi-rosette pons
✨ Lion Scrotum on relevant lions (DUs, Imperial, Dwarf)
✨ Great Tit for relevant lions (DUs & Imperial)
✨ Ochre Saltlick for best chance with Imperial

✨ GMO Cows / lion meat if wanted
✨ CRBs can be used if the additional 3 days are covered via barks
✨ similarly, any non bo-based lion is open to being base changed so long as app+return (or similar value) are provided ^^

PLEASE list intended items when booking a heat for tracking purposes <3

✨ Gals will become available with T3 of the event shop! Expecting ~21st or so but will see if sooner 💀
✨ Payment is due before proceeding with the litter.
✨ I don't expect massive rushes on my range, but if cubs not aged/collected within [X reasonable hours??] will be considered as surrendered.


*Valkyrie - Rose Gold 14/02/2020 RL Clone

✨ full price: 25gb
🐞 worm: +10gb ✔
❗ notes: mildly altered clone - pale skin lost further up the heritage, app&piety marks altered.

*Fireworks - Fiery 31/05/2019 RL Clone

✨ full price: 25gb
🐞 worm: +10gb ✔
❗ notes: mildly altered clone - oasis mark changed to piety mark. To the best of my knowledge, has not yet had a clone kinged.

*TBA - Anjeer 10/09/2021 RL Clone

✨ full price: 20gb
🐞 worm: +10gb ✔
❗ notes: mildly altered clone - skin colour tweaked. A few clones about + one(?) kinged.

*Ambrosia - Topaz 10/07/2020 RL Near-Clone

✨ full price: 25gb
🐞 worm: +10gb ✔
❗ notes: everything from the original except the Sulphur base! To the best of my knowledge, no active complete clones.

*Noor - Olive 21/08/2020 RL Partial-Clone

✨ full price: 20gb
🐞 worm: +10gb ✔
❗ notes: no surviving full-clone lines.


*Pact - Ebony 8m full-BO

✨ full price: 10gb
🐞 worm: +10gb ✔
❗ notes: mix of 3-4 RL lines, unique combination of marks.


*Mote - ESR+MR+NSR | G3

✨ split price: 20gb
✨ full price: 30gb
🐞 worm: I mean if you wanna!
❗ notes: highly recommend use of gnawrocks.

*Nighteyes - SLATE MR+NSR+NHR | G4

✨ split price: 20gb
✨ full price: 30gb
🐞 worm: +10gb
❗ notes: highly recommend use of gnawrocks. Not eligible for base changing.

*Motley - MR+NSR+NHR | G4

✨ split price: 20gb
✨ full price: 30gb
🐞 worm: +5gb
❗ notes: highly recommend use of gnawrocks.

*Rituals - NSR+MR+NHR | dirty

✨ split price: 24gb
✨ full price: 36gb
🐞 worm: +15gb
❗ notes: highly recommend use of gnawrocks, rock salt. not clean-lined.

*Grimoire - MR+NHR | G6

✨ split price: 20gb
✨ full price: 30gb
🐞 worm: +10gb
❗ notes: highly recommend use of gnawrocks, rock salt.

*Shiver - MR+NHR | G7

✨ split price: 20gb
✨ full price: 30gb
🐞 worm: +15gb
❗ notes: highly recommend use of gnawrocks, rock salt.

*Widogast - Kimanjano MR | G3

✨ split price: 20gb
✨ full price: 30gb
🐞 worm: +10gb
❗ notes: GDC studs recommended if you're trying to help the Kimanjano base pass!

*Fearne - MR | G7

✨ split price: 20gb
✨ full price: 30gb
🐞 worm: +10gb
❗ notes: babyyy

*Sabbath - Ebony | dirty

✨ split price: 20gb
✨ full price: 30gb
🐞 worm: +5gb
❗ notes: unfortunately lacking MR! not clean-lined. not eligible for base changing.

*Cirilla - Slate | dirty

✨ split price: 20gb
✨ full price: 30gb
🐞 worm: I mean if you wanna
❗ notes: unfortunately lacking MR! not clean-lined. not eligible for base changing.


*Elvira - MR+NHR | dirty

✨ split price: 24gb
✨ full price: 40gb
🐞 worm: +5gb
❗ notes: Double Uterus will NOT pass without the use of a Lion Scrotum, best paired with Great Tit + Buffalo Scrotum to maximise your odds. Alternatively, could use CRB + GMO Cow + Buffalo Scrotum.

*Cryptid - MR+NHR | dirty

✨ split price: 24gb
✨ full price: 40gb
🐞 worm: +5gb
❗ notes: Double Uterus will NOT pass without the use of a Lion Scrotum, best paired with Great Tit + Buffalo Scrotum to maximise your odds. Alternatively, could use CRB + GMO Cow + Buffalo Scrotum.

*Wraith - Rime MR | dirty

✨ split price: 24gb
✨ full price: 40gb
🐞 worm: +10gb
❗ notes: Double Uterus will NOT pass without the use of a Lion Scrotum, best paired with Great Tit + Buffalo Scrotum to maximise your odds. Alternatively, could use CRB + GMO Cow + Buffalo Scrotum. Rime is additionally a combo base and must be bred during [rainy season + daytime] to [Orchid, Arctic, Aufeis, Frostbitten, Glacial, Hoarfrost, Ice, Rime or Snowflake] to pass without a crunchy worm used.


*Rabbit Heart - Mane Imperial | G2

✨ split price: 10gb
✨ full price: 20gb
🐞 worm: I mean if you wanna!
❗ notes: Imperial will NOT pass without the use of Lion Scrotum, and also requires the cub to be female with royal mane for a successful roll. For this reason I highly recommend using Lion Scrotum + Buffalo Scrotum + Ochre Saltlick + Great Tit to maximise your chances.

*Munchkin - Dwarf | G3

✨ split price: free
✨ full price: 10gb
🐞 worm: I mean if you wanna!
❗ notes: Dwarfism will NOT pass without the use of a lion scrotum! Buffalo scrotum recommended for best odds.

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Edited on 31/01/22 @ 15:09:56 by Bilby [G3Light|MobolaRL] (#22185)

Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-01-01 20:44:52


Name & #ID | Heat choice | Stud choice (confirm by tier 2 please!) | Split/Full | Items to be used | Fees + Payment method | additional info!
Fern [side] #163971 | Ambrosia | Would love to use your mobola stud if possible (would pay the usual stud fee etc) or will choose closer to t2 otherwise | Full | Crunchy + eye rock [EDIT] + buffie + possibly skin rock depending on the stud? | 35 GB pure | TIA! ^_^

Soundwave #227912 | Pact | My own | Full | Crunchy worm, Rock salt, buffy| 20gb pure (Edit) | Tysm, all you lions are beautiful!


GB & items with a * heavily preferred!

YohimbeBark.png = 6gb* | GrainOfParadise.png = 4gb
BuffaloScrotum.png = 12gb* | lionscrotum.png = 10gb

crunchyworm.png = 20gb* | gmocow.png = 30gb
ochregnawrock.png = 40gb* | ochresaltlick.png = 40gb

greattit.png = 8gb | meatpie.png = 8gb*

blackstallion.png = 1gb | lionmeat.png = 3gb
redbuffallo.png = 2gb | roastedlamb.png = 2gb
randomizer.png = 1gb

appardorbase.png = 15gb | cherryblossombase.png = 15gb
app_divine.png = 15gb | anubis_favapp.png = 20gb
app_interstellar.png = 30gb | letitgo.png = 10gb
unholybody.png = 10gb | june_sethvestige_sutekh.png = 20gb

app_hoarfrost_marks.png = 15gb | app_newyears_gilded.png = 6gb
app_sunrisemarks.png = 15gb | app_sunsetmarks.png = 15gb

appmutPrim.png = 6gb
appmutPBW.png = [ANY MoD, discuss value!]


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Edited on 14/02/22 @ 03:57:51 by Bilby [G3Light|MobolaRL] (#22185)

Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-01-31 17:09:49
OPEN for reservations! (omg I meant to do this two weeks ago and then... oop)

Lmk if I've missed anything / you've got any questions~

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Fern [side] (#163971)

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Posted on
2022-01-31 22:51:08
Fern [side] #163971 | Ambrosia | Would love to use your mobola stud if possible (would pay the usual stud fee etc) or will choose closer to t2 otherwise | Full | Crunchy + eye rock [EDIT] + buffie + possibly skin rock depending on the stud? | 35 GB pure | TIA! ^_^

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Edited on 31/01/22 @ 23:02:29 by Fern [side] (#163971)

Soundwave (#227912)

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Posted on
2022-01-31 23:01:12
Soundwave #227912 | Pact | My own | Full | Crunchy worm, Rock salt, buffy| 20gb pure (Edit) | Tysm, all you lions are beautiful!

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Edited on 03/02/22 @ 12:37:57 by SoundWave (🐝Bee Lord🐝) (#227912)

Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-14 03:55:39
wow T3 absolutely blindsided me this year xAx
updating thread!! sorry for the delay y'all

As it looks like we'll open T3 mid-late today, maybe early tomorrow, I'll be moving all gals listed to my main and rolling daily, with a possible exception for the 13.6yo+ gals if they're being a pain on cloning v.v

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