Posted by BO Chased lioness sales!!
)))BeeTonie((( (#147527)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-03 08:12:09
(Lioness A)
Base : Birch (black light solid common)
Mane : Pariah (BO!) (Penumbra(App))
Eyes : Amber (Common)
Slot 1: Scoria Tail (83%) (Tier 0)
Slot 2: Dark Brown Back Hair (74%) (Tier 0)
Slot 3: Under Cream 6 (29%) (Tier 0)
Slot 5: Ice Cover (47%) (Tier 3)
Slot 6: Aufeis Rogue (60%) (Tier 3)
Slot 10: Cloudburst Web (48%) (Tier 3)
This lion has 3 markings hidden on the following slots:
12, 13, 16
Fertility : Average
(Lioness B)
Base : Saffron (Golden medium countershaded common)
Mane : Scarce (Styx(App))
Eyes : Mire (BO!)
Slot 1: Immolation Coat (40%) (Tier 3)
Slot 2: Sunset Siamese (46%) (Tier 3)
Slot 3: Noctis Dapple (46%) (Tier 1)
Slot 4: Fiery Mottled Fissures (58%) (Tier 3)
Slot 7: Black Gradient 1 (87%) (Tier 0)
Slot 8: Sunset Feralis (49%) (Tier 3)
Slot 9: Noctis Upendezi (100%) (Tier 3)
Fertility : Goddess
(Lioness C)
Base : Jet (Black dark solid common)
Mane : Scarce (Ice(App))
Eyes : Aqua (Special)
Slot 2: Vitiligo 2 (87%) (Tier 2) (BO!)
Slot 3: Merlot Feline (50%) (Tier 3)
Slot 4: Fuchsia Lace (56%) (Tier 3)
Slot 5: Gilded Vitiligo (76%) (Tier 3)
Slot 6: Noctis Margay (50%) (Tier 2) (BO!)
Slot 8: Noctis Siamese (92%) (Tier 3)
Fertility : High

I'm not sure what any of these ladies are worth, so offer what you think is appropriate! In your offer please disclose which lioness you are offering for (A, B or C.)

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Edited on 03/02/22 @ 08:57:34 by )))BeeTonie((( (#147527)

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