Posted by Losing Lions

Juice | G2 Daedal
1.7.22 (#212454)

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Posted on
2022-02-09 08:23:35
I don't know if this is where this kind of thing should go but

This isn't about not losing lions. I'm all for that feature and I think it's good. HOWEVER I just lost multiple valuable lions including a tigon, elysian, etc. because I took a hiatus for mental health reasons right after they ran. I didn't roll over since the 25th of january and I just barely came back a couple days ago and now I don't have anything.

I feel like lions should only gain progress toward leaving only when you rollover. Like say you don't RO for a couple days when they have 2 days left to reclaim, it shouldn't go down until you RO again.

This kind of thing honestly is discouraging to me because now so many things I worked to get are gone without me having a chance to get them. I didn't roll over for ages, my last RO on my side was the second of January. Like yeah sure I know that there's no way for me to get them back now but it'd be great for having in the future.

Honestly I thought I would still have time to get them after my hiatus because of how nothing else changes when you don't roll over. It feels like I'm being penalized for taking a break.

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