Posted by Wipe Heritage of Tree'd Cubs/Adols

G2HibiscusSmilus (#91275)

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Posted on
2022-02-15 22:02:48

The What

Remove heritage from cubs and adols given to the tree like chased lionesses have their heritage wiped.

The Why

Tree'd cubs/adols are essentially the same as finding a chased ncl, they've just been rounded up by a monkey instead of wandering the wilds. I dont see why their heritage shouldn't be treated the same.

From a story point of view, it feels like a lions heritage is something the lion itself shares. You have to go to the ancestor themself to go back past a certain generation, like pursuing marriage records when mapping out a larger family tree irl.

Chased lionesses are already heritageless, yet a lioness of 2 years would likely be able to remember at least some of her heritage. but treed cubs are young and likely not yet had their heritage drilled into their memory, and adolescents may not care for learning their heritage in a fit of rebellion. It would make sense for them not to know their heritage and thus not be able to share it.

The How

Option 1) wipe heritage of all cubs and adols sent to the tree
Option 2) wipe only the heritage of cubs but not adols
Option 3) randomly wipe the heritage of some cubs and adols but not others.
Option 4) give players the option to wipe a cub/adols heritage when sending them to the tree via a popup. 'Would you also like to wipe the cubs heritage before sending them on their way?'

issues and solutions

1) people would wait until the tree was empty and abandon and reclaim their own cubs
- have it either so cubs are held in a pool after abandonning and relesed into the tree at random times to lessen the chance of this happening purposefully OR add something that prevents you getting your own cub back from the tree at all.

2) people would use this as a way to get heritageless muties
- implementing option three where some randimly have their heritage wiped and others dont would lessen this. Possibly making it specifically so muties rarely or never have their heritage wiped.

3) making it so chased cubs/adols appear in explore in some way like NCL's
- getting cubs from explore is on the list of rejected suggestions. And heritageless adols being claimed is part of an event already so thats unlikely to be added.

share your thoughts

Support? Tell us what you like about it! No support? Let us know why you think its not a good idea! Want to suggest an addition or alteration? Go ahead!

This suggestion has 29 supports and 37 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/02/22 @ 05:07:58 by 🌿Keilan🌿(G3 Felis) (#91275)

AllTheWorld'sAStage (#242506)

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Posted on
2022-02-15 22:07:09
Super fun getting a pretty tree cub, not super fun when they’re dirty. Support!

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juelz (main) (#239315)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-02-15 22:07:19
wouldnt that also wipe muation? some people purposely abandon mutated cubs or an easter egg hunt,

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G2HibiscusSmilus (#91275)

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Posted on
2022-02-15 22:09:15
@ julia allen (#239315) as far as I'm aware heritage a nd genetics arent linked. Like chasing a lioness doesnt remove her makings. I'm sure it can be set so it doesnt remove mutations for Tree'd babs!

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Hen [G1|Frail|x3
Ros|Ebony] (#123712)

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Posted on
2022-02-16 01:26:56
too many people would wait until the tree was empty and abandon and reclaim their own cubs

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mir's side (she/her) (#52241)

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Posted on
2022-02-16 01:29:24
People could take advantage of this feature. And if the mutation isn't wiped, we now have an OP system to get heritageless muties. No support.

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𝒊𝒂 (#41458)

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Posted on
2022-02-16 03:04:52
Why not allow them to just be outright chased? You could chase adols and they'd have a decent chance of survival. Could even be a new popup in explore where you find an adolescent lioness. For cubs, maybe you could potentially get a cub with an NCL on occasion where there's a visible cub with a lioness in explore.

Imagine finding a chased cub with a chased NCL... If only lmao.

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G2HibiscusSmilus (#91275)

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Posted on
2022-02-16 04:55:01
Hen [Ice|3x Ros|Gen2] (#123712) could have it so that cubs are held for a random amount of time between being abandonned and added to the tree to lessen the chance of you getting your own cub back. Or put in something that prevents you from getting your own cub back from thre tree completely. Ive accidentally gotten my own cub back before which i found annoying lol.

Mir (she/her) (#52241) i feel like option 3 being implemented could prevent this. It could be made so that muties specifically never have their heritage wiped.

Hokzii|ϴryx, Tѧĸᴇɴ KiɴG (#41458) i think its been said before that adding getting adols and cubs in explore is rejected outright (edit: yep finding cubs in explore is on the list of rejected suggestions also ithink finding adols would be unlikely as finding adol groupies is part of an event)

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Edited on 16/02/22 @ 05:00:49 by 🌿Keilan🌿(G3 Felis) (#91275)

Verridith [g1
stellar/panda] (#407)

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Posted on
2022-02-16 05:42:55
Nonono. This has WAY too much possibility to be abused. Currently, the only ways to get heritageless lions are rolled kings, NCLs, and Groupies. Groupies and chased NCLs would lose much of their value if people could get heritageless tree cubs at a whim, especially if those tree cubs have rare markings, bases, or mutations. Especially male groupies.

While I hate to pick up a gorgeous, but dirty, tree cub this would be something that would absolutely destroy the balance of the game. No support.

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