Posted by Condense identical TC trades

MercyDemon (#240390)

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Posted on
2022-02-16 04:30:32
You have two identical items for sale, and you put them up for sale in the Trading Center at the same price each in two separate trades. These currently appear as two separate trades, but I propose something being done to have them take up one line of the TC. Titles and text wouldn't matter, and the line would adopt the title of the most recently bumped trade in the set. The multiple nature of the post would be made clear by perhaps a "2x" in bold at the far left of the entry, and clicking this would "uncondense" the trades allowing them to be viewed independently.

This would help in two ways. Firstly, when bumping your trades, bumping one of a trade you have many of would bump all identical trades. Secondly, the TC front page would no longer be flooded with spam-like identical trades when in-demand items are available, which I know I'm personally tired of during the February event.

This would not affect lions for sale as it would be very rare two lions have exactly identical stats, appearances, ages etc. I wouldn't be bothered if it affected battle beetles of the same species and colour, as the "uncondense" action would make beetle shopping no more difficult should this be added. But I'm mostly thinking of this for "non-alive" trades such as items and decor as they are the things taking up the most unnecessary space on the TC front page.

I'd like to know why people don't support this if so!

This suggestion has 1 support and 11 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/02/22 @ 05:09:26 by ClawedDemon (#242138)

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