Posted by Buying: Buffalo Scrotes & Barks (CLOSED)

Arvid (#114718)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-17 04:50:56
I'm currently in need of buffy scrotes and barks for a breeding project I have I have GB, many applicators, backgrounds some other useful items. I do not take reservations.

I will be pricing 7 per buffalo scrotum and

Golden Beetles

I'll be pricing at: 3 per 20 HS
I currently have 58/58 GB.


- Ammonite Body x1:
- Angelic Core x1:
- Hyena Blots Heavy x2:
- Hyena Blots Scarce x2:
Ammonite Body
Angelic Core
Applicator: Hyena Blots Heavy
Applicator: Hyena Blots Scarce
Applicator: Inverted Squabble
Applicator: Lycaon Heavy
Applicator: Lycaon Heavy Inverted
Applicator: Proteles Heavy
Applicator: Proteles Scarce
Dust: Opal
Dust: Rough Opal
Eye Applicator: Snake
Festive Gift
Frostbite Protection
Frostbitten Skin
Glass Dust
Gregarious Form
Heavenly Serenity
Hoarfrost Markings
Icy Spice
Lion Mask
Mane Markings: Lilac
Nacre Lining
Penumbra Body
Pose: Jolly [F]
Ragdoll Fluff
Ragdoll Scratch Marks
Random Marking Applicator
Reindeer Base
Reindeer Mane
Rime Markings
Royal Coat of Anubis
Sacred Fur
Seer Divination
Shards: Rough Ruby
Spectre Body
Supernal Body
The Aardwolf
The Hyena
Vestige of Bast
- Windfall Body x1:
Windfall Fur


- Crunchy Worm (X5):


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Edited on 17/02/22 @ 05:11:55 by Arvid (#114718)

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