Posted by Mutation idea: malformed eyes/tumors (Teratoma Hyc

ShrimpCrockpot (G2
18bo fiss) (#245091)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-18 14:22:59
i had the idea to have a mutation that causes multiple instances of ocular tissue tumors to form on a lion. any feedback appreciated!

Teratoma Hyclopsia: (Tear-ah-tome-ah high-clop-see-ya)
The growth and formation of excessive ocular tissue in the womb.

unlike Cyclopia, Hyclopsia is NOT a lethal condition. however, lions with this condition cannot be kinged, hunt, or become broodmothers, as they are functionally blind and the excess ocular tissue damages the brain

Appears at:
Physical effect:
Blinded eyes. tumors are internal and do not show
Gameplay effect:
Males cannot become king, studs or patrol. Females cannot hunt or become broodmothers. females will also always have 40% fertility or less. unless appointed a broodmother, these cubs have a high mortality rate even through adulthood
yes, 5% chance.
Lions with this condition appear to have thick, bulging eyes and tend to wobble around. they do not seem to understand many things occasionally, tumors can be seen under the skin

Birth message:
"Your lioness notices something off about this cub. it appears to be blind. with help, it is able to suckle successfully, but she feels something may be seriously wrong with it."

Cub has aged up. as it has grown you have noticed it does not play with other cubs and seems to be barely functional on its own. perhaps you should appoint it a broodmother to ensure its survival.

Cub has not hit proper milestones. You had hoped it would grow to be normal, but that does not seem to be the case. maybe those thick eyes damaged its brain?

Death message (any age):
Cub has passed away due to its lack of survival skills. you think in the future, it would be best a lioness look after any further cub with this condition even to adulthood.

more information:

this idea was based on a case study i did today in my veterinary science class where the nictating membrane was unable to retract and caused damage to the eye. i decided to combine this with cases of teratoma (excess tissue of any form) tumors in humans
medically speaking, lions with Teratoma Hyclopsia have two jointed medical issues:
-nictating membranes that are overgrown and stuck over the eye causing them to be blind
-ocular tissue tumors formed in the brain in the parietal lobe that cause them to be unable to recieve/process necessary sensory input to survive on their own.

just like a domestic animal with a condition like this, lions with Teratoma Hyclopsia would need to be watched over by a guardian to ensure best survival chance.
if the coding doesnt allow an adolescent and adult lion to be covered by a broodmother, survival chance will drop 12% every year the cub is alive after the broodmother can no longer protect them

these lions would also have a different pose, one that would make them look like theyre stumbling

This suggestion has 17 supports and 9 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/02/22 @ 17:38:58 by ShrimpCrockpot (#245091)

n|G2 07.10.20 (#217680)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-18 15:30:02
i actually really like this idea !
adols and adults arent able to be watched by broodmothers , the ability goes away as soon as soon as they hit 1 yr old
design-wise they may be too similar to blind lions ? at first glace they may appear the same , only difference between them being why theyre blind
if stylistic liberties are taken , such as visible tumors or noticibly bulging eyes , it may differentiate them enough to be a unique mutation !

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Edited on 18/02/22 @ 15:32:03 by Max [ it/he ] (#217680)

ShrimpCrockpot (G2
18bo fiss) (#245091)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-02-18 16:02:18
i plan on adding an image of what i think theyd look like! i just have to draw it. i forgot to specify but i was hoping to make this a pose difference as well, to have the pose look like theyre stumbling around or cant really figure out where they are

ill specify in a bit, thanks :)

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n|G2 07.10.20 (#217680)

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Posted on
2022-02-18 16:36:51
ooh alright ! i look forward to seeing it , i love this concept 👀

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