Posted by Manticore Centaur auction | Open!

Puppy (#234756)

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Posted on
2022-02-21 07:39:07

Rules + TOS

General Adopt Rules:

- I must be credited, no matter where its posted

- These are priced a bit high to make sure T.O.S is followed

-The buyer may make any kind of alteration to the design, however, no matter the changes, I will remain the creator of the design.

-The buyer may not make the design into any kind of closed or open species.

-As the producer of the design, I reserve the right to repost and publish artwork to promote myself, to display where I like and to post wherever I like.

- Designs that have been awarded for free may not be resold and can only be traded for other characters, unless the buyer has purchased artwork for the design in question.


Venus - manticore Centaur



SB - 10 or $5 usd
MI - 500 or $2.50 usd
AB: - 100 or $50 usd


Auction ends March 5th 12 pm gametime!

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Edited on 21/02/22 @ 07:41:45 by Puppy (#234756)

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