Posted by Good pose chased NCL
Tor (#251981)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-02-27 12:39:01
Essentially: Got a chased NCL who retained her pose (personality is romantic, good). I know the good pose must be rarer since only chased NCLs have it. She has 7 markings, but none of them are particularly special. Her fertility is very low but after checking it, it is at 50% so not actually all that bad.

Here's her, I was just wondering about how much I'd be able to get for her?

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Magnituda [sunrise
project] (#198042)

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Posted on
2022-02-27 13:05:35
1 marking is breed only (Ruffian Siamese), 1 is from piety (Bone Venter) so technically not breed only but practically - yes, until november and 1 is from expensive applicator (Sunset Crackle)

So with added fact that she is only 2yo I would try 2gb (1gb for hre herself + 1gb bc she has already a pose) but who knows if anyone buys her If not - try 1 gb

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