Posted by πŸ”₯12.31.21 RLC FOR SALE πŸ”₯

[he/him] (#178319)

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Posted on
2022-02-28 12:12:26
I am selling a clone of the gilded RLC back from December. I originally paid 50 buffies and 85 pure gb, I am looking for a little less than what I had paid for. With me valuing with the current market (buffalo balls 15gb) I paid 835 gb for her. I am not looking for that full amount, I am strictly looking for atleast 700 gb worth.

All items offered must come out to 700gb worth or slightly higher. I am not in a hurry to sell her as I might just store her on a side account and freeze until next February. I am not looking for lowball offers, and will not sell her to lowballers. Again, I am not in a hurry to sell her so I am looking for the right offer to win her.

She has seven heats left. In total, there are 5 breedable clones including the OG RL and one of her clones is kinged on the original winner's account.

She is currently stored on a friend's side account frozen and will be placed into a trade with an autobuy price of 700gb. My friend will roll if I accept an offer but please allow 24 hours. Here is a clickable link to her: so you may check her out if you please.

I will accept:
● Pure
● Yoh barks (7gb)
● Buffalo Balls (16gb)

● Lion Balls (16gb)
● Gnawrocks (35gb) // Max of 4
● Cherry Lips (20gb)
● Ardor Elegance (15gb)
● Taste of Merlot (15gb)
Bolded items are my MOST WANTED and valued a bit higher than market value.

Image of her mother, my RLC does not have a mutation.


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Edited on 28/02/22 @ 12:26:31 by 🐝 TANSYCLOUD [he/him] (#178319)

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