Posted by ⭐️12/04/2020 RL Clone Auction

🌙Aya (#92132)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-03-01 13:07:22

⭐️December 4th, 2020 Clone Auction⭐️

Hello everyone! I was lucky enough to get a clone of the December 4th, 2020 Gilded RL and will be auctioning off this clean Gen 3 clone! She is pictured as an adult but is currently still a cub. The auction will end when she turns one year old, so around the 13th of March.

•Don't bid what you don’t have!
•Please be kind to fellow bidders
•By winning the auction,
you win all rights to the clone
and may do as you wish
•No bids!
Please ask if I'll take lions,
however and items will be prioritized
•All bids after the SB must contain at least 100
•Auction must reach at least 650gb worth to end
•If you have questions, feel free to PM!

December 4th, 2020 RL Clone
Clean - Gen3
2% Fertility - Shown as Adult
Image is clickable!
Base, Mane, & Eyes
Base: Gilded
Mane: Royal/Anjeer
Eyes: Banana
Slot 1: Cream Soft Unders (65%)
Slot 2: Inverted Rosette Cream (90%)
Slot 3: Cream Rims (90%)
Slot 4: Dim Gold (65%)
Slot 5: Feline 8 Gold (65%)
Slot 6: Fulvous Pelage (30%)
Slot 7: Gold Panther (100%)
Slot 8: Cream Lace (85%)
Slot 9: Fulvous Rogue (40%)
Slot 10: Cream Margay (85%)

Bids & End Date
Starting Bid: 300
Current Bid: N/A
Auto Buy: 1,500 or equivalent
Has been Autobought

End Date: March 13th @ 6pm LD Time

Accepted Items

YohimbeBark.png = 9
BuffaloScrotum.png = 13
ochregnawrock.png = 35
Only accepting 4 per bid!
crunchyworm.png = 20
gmocow.png = 45
Only accepting 2 per bid

See something not listed? Feel free to ask if I'll take it!

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Edited on 01/03/22 @ 18:09:12 by Aya (#92132)

🌙Aya (#92132)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-03-01 18:08:26
Clone has been sold/Autobought!

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