Posted by -LOCKED - [REJECTED] Equiden

Ave Ravenmoon (#9375)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 10:55:36
I have no clue where to post this, but I will toss it here and hope for the best..

We LOVE lioden and wolveden!!

What about a lioden version based on equids? (Horses, mules, donkeys,etc etc) ?

I've played Howrse, rival stables, hell, I was even a mod for a game called horseland (before they animated it and messed it up to make it more like the cartoon)

I would sell my left lung, kidney, arm, and eye for a horse version of lioden.

Sure there's a few horse based games out there, but none are as appealing, entertaining, relaxing and fun as a horse based version of lioden would be. (I've played most of them except star stable, I avoid games that force politics and religion on their patrons.)

This suggestion has 6 supports and 6 NO supports.

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🧋Blue🧋 (#248397)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 13:26:04
This isn’t really a game suggestion for this game and there are many other similar games to lioden with horses so no support

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