Posted by (CS) 🦎 Chameras 🦎 (WIP)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:01


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What is a Chamera?





General Overview

Chameras (S. mutarintempore) are a reptilian species that have branched off from their Chamaeleonidae family and have settled into a niche of their own. The name Chamera is a portmanteau of "chameleon" and "chimera". They have evolved anatomy that is a combination of snake, agama, and even what is thought to be prehistoric reptile (B. altithorax).


Chameras continue to evolve throughout their entire lives. The more you draw and develop them, the more unique your chamera will be!

Where do I start?

Please take a look through the navigation tab and read up on the general rules, species notes, and other features that interest you! Once you have a good understanding of the species, feel free to check out the current adoptions tab to see if there are any Chameras currently looking for a home.

How do I get a Chamera?

After you have read the rules and have a decent understanding of how the species operates, you are ready to adopt your first Chamera! I recommend navigating to the adoption tab to see if there are any Chameras looking for a new home. New members can adopt one Chamera absolutely free! If there are none in the adoption center or there are none that catch your interest, consider heading to the item shop and receiving one free Basic Egg for more freedom with your starting design.

You can also trade or buy a Chamera from members of the community! Check out the trading post to see if there is anyone looking to say goodbye to an old friend.

I need clarification on something!

If you need help, clarification on a rule, or just need to speak to a staff member or owner, please feel free to utilize our Help Thread, join the Discord for access to our help channel, or PM a member of Staff.

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Edited on 21/06/22 @ 08:10:48 by Star - G1 IS Triple Ros Echo (#87011)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:09

Rules and Regulations

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Before You Inquire

Please read all of the rules before buying or creating your first Chamera. They are a constantly evolving species that require a lot of time, effort, and art to get your dream design!

Code of Conduct

❀ All members are expected to follow Lioden ToS and CoC. This includes but is not limited to: mutual respect between all members one interacts with, a willingness to both listen and communicate your feelings in a non-disruptive way if something is bothering you, and the understanding that we participate in the experience for fun- not stress. If something is bothering you, either with the rules as a whole or with a particular member, I encourage you to message me and we will sort out your issue as soon as possible.

Racist, homophobic, ableist, or otherwise harmful behavior is absolutely not tolerated. Please refrain from using slurs of any kind.

Terms of Service

❀ By participating in the Chamera species and/or group, you are confirming that you understand all of the rules and agree to follow and uphold them to the best of your ability. You understand that the intentional disregard or continual refusal of acknowledgement of the rules will result in consequences based on the infraction severity.

Star #87011 is not responsible for any decisions of the user. Refunds are not permitted for any reason, but items can be exchanged for shop credit within 12 hours of their purchase directly from the shop.

Changes to the ToS or CoC are viable to be made at any time. In the instance of an update, users will be notified and given 48 hours to read over any changes.

Ownership Rules

❀ Any character(s) that you obtain are intended to change over time at your own discretion, but you are not required to participate if you so choose. You understand that violating any rules may result in a ban from the species group and with it a ban from participating in activities, events, and the purchase of items or Chameras in the future. Banned members will not have their characters revoked, although said characters will be removed from the group and will no longer have the official Chamera title.

You may trade and sell a Chamera ONLY if you are the sole owner with proof of ownership. All sales, trades, and exchanges must be confirmed through and take place via the trading post of the official Chamera thread. Banned members are not allowed to utilize this feature, and those who attempt to skirt around this rule to buy or sell designs from banned members will be punished accordingly.

Two or more people are allowed to co-own a Chamera with the understanding that both parties must have adequate enough communication to draw, evolve, and participate with the character in a way that does not infringe upon the other party's rights of ownership. Chamera staff WILL NOT intervene in co-ownership squabbles. It is highly recommended that all parties are acquainted well enough so that ownership issues do not become a problem.

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Edited on 21/06/22 @ 07:59:11 by Star - G1 IS Triple Ros Echo (#87011)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:12

Traits: Page One

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Rules and Regulations
Trait Information

Traits are categorized by a numerical system that details their stage in evolution. Chamera evolution is linear and they can only evolve traits if the appropriate steps are taken. Continue reading to see how it works!

How to Apply Traits

Let's assume you have just started with the most basic Chamera possible. They have no traits at all.


Wow! So naked! Since this Chamera has no traits at all, it is considered traitless, and the only traits that are able to be applied are Tier 0 traits. Let's apply some Tier 0 Eye Horns to them!
The only Tier 0 Eye Horns are the Basic Eye Horns. There are no requirements to apply them, so we can draw our Chamera with them right away!


They look a lot less naked now! Still pretty basic, though. Keep in mind that every time you apply a new trait, we must be able to clearly see the trait you applied with a colored picture of the area! Now that our Chamera has a Tier 0 Eye Horn, we can apply a Tier 1 Eye Horn if we meet the requirements for any of them!
It looks like the Longer Eye Horns are a Tier 1 trait with the requirement that you have to draw your Chamera with the Basic Eye Horns once. Since we just drew them with their Basic Eye Horns, we can apply the Longer Eye Horns right away!


Awesome! Now our Chamera has a Tier 1 trait!
Remember that this linear evolution works for all traits, not just eye horns. Also keep in mind that each time you evolve your Chamera, you must draw a colored picture clearly showing whatever trait(s) you are adding.
Traitless ➜ 0 ➜ 1 ➜ 2 ➜ 3

Eye Horns

Basic Eye Horns (Tier 0)
About as basic as it gets!


Requirements: None!

Longer Eye Horns (Tier 1)
A little less basic, but you still have room to grow.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Basic Eye Horns at least once!

Baby Antlers (Tier 1)
Go ahead, add more weird DNA into the mix! NOTE: Baby Antlers will always have three prongs, but they do not have to be in the same place as in the example picture. The antlers cannot be bigger than the example picture.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Basic Eye Horns at least twice!

Ridge Horns (Tier 1)
Are these really horns?


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Basic Eye Horns at least once!

Crown Horns (Tier 1)
You're like royalty now. But not. NOTE: Crown Horns have three distinct points and are not very big! Please keep the shape close to the example image.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with a hoard of riches! Money, shiny rocks, food... what do they value the most?

Elk Antlers (Tier 2)
Your antlers grew up! NOTE: Elk Antlers have four distinct prongs, but they do not have to be in the same place as in the example image. They can be slightly longer or bigger than in the example image, but please keep it reasonable.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Baby Deer Antlers at least twice!

Striker Horns (Tier 3)
You're a walking lightning rod, cool!


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to in a storm!

Back Spines

Basic Back Spines (Tier 0)
Protective back spines that rattle to ward off enemies!


Requirements: None!

Head Spines (Tier 0)
Add some protection to your noggin! NOTE: Head Spines do not go any further towards the front of the head than in the example image. Head Spines can be combined with any Back Spines type but is NOT a standalone trait- it must be connected to Back Spines.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with a cool hat! Where did they get it? What is it made out of?

Bigger Back Spines (Tier 1)
You're looking sharp!


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Basic Back Spines at least twice!

Styled Spine (Tier 1)
I love your hair! NOTE: This trait can be combined with Head Spines and any Back Spines type. Styled Spines are flexible and you may style your Chamera's spine however you choose, but it should not mimic any other spines type. Styled Spine should remain roughly the same length as the spine type that it was combined with.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with any Back Spines at least three times!

Babysaurus (Tier 1)
We were so preoccupied with whether or not we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should. NOTE: These spines are not sharp!


Requirements: Draw any Chamera (NPC, your own, or another group member's) with their teeth exposed! Are they snarling, yawning, or are they just smiling?

Wild Mane (Tier 2)
You're really nailing that windswept look. NOTE: This spine type has a wavy, furled look to it, but it is still a spine and is not soft. A longer mane (up to twice as long as the example image) can be achieved by combining Wild Mane with Styled Spine.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to on a canvas no bigger than 250x250 pixels! It can be pixel art or just a very small drawing, as long as it is recognizable!

Bigasaurus (Tier 2)
Life finds a way.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Babysaurus Back Spine at least three times!

Herringbone Spines (Tier 2)
Is that painful? That looks painful. NOTE: These spines are still connected to the back! One to three segments will be missing from the spines, but the missing segments DO NOT go all the way through the spines. Herringbone Spines can be combined with all spine types except for Babysaurus.


Requirements: Draw your Chamera eating their favorite food!

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Edited on 21/06/22 @ 07:59:37 by Star - G1 IS Triple Ros Echo (#87011)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:17

Traits: Page Two

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Trait Information

Traits are categorized by a numerical system that details their stage in evolution. Chamera evolution is linear and they can only evolve traits if the appropriate steps are taken. This is page two of Chamera traits that explains colors and markings!

How to Add a Color

When adding new colors to your Chamera, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

Let's imagine you are starting out with the most basic Chamera, with only two colors and no traits at all.


Now let's imagine you want to apply the Add One Color trait to add pink to your Chamera. It is important to note that the new color you are applying should not resemble existing markings, should not completely cover a color already on your Chamera, and should not have extremely defined features, edges, or shapes. Let's look at some examples!


This example has the new color that too closely resembles both the Stripes and Pinstripes markings. This would not be accepted.


This example has the new color making shapes that are far too defined. The edges of the shapes are too blocky, blotchy, and make obvious shapes. This example would not be accepted.


This example is great! The new color does not obscure either color currently on the Chamera, does not resemble any current markings, and does not have any sharp, defined features. This example would be accepted!

Like any trait, adding colors or shuffling your Chamera requires approval from staff. Please be patient if edits need to be made!

Markings and Colors

Add One Color (Tier 0)
Fancy! NOTE: For each new color you want to add to your Chamera, you need to draw two new images. You can add multiple colors at once only if you meet the overall image requirement to add each new color. Remember that new colors should not resemble existing markings and should not have extremely defined shapes.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to at least twice!

Gradient (Tier 1)
You look like a sunset! NOTE: The gradient marking can be applied to any part of the body in multiple places at once. The gradient must be between two existing colors already on your Chamera.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to traditionally at least once! Pen and paper, a painting, with crayon... just remember to color them!

Bands (Tier 1)
Round and around and around and around and around... NOTE: Bands must wrap all the way around the body part you are applying this mark to. If the Chamera you are applying this trait to has more than two colors, you can include a colored band within the base color of the band like in the example image. Upon application, band base color cannot be two different colors.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to chasing their or another Chamera's tail!

Stripes (Tier 1)
They're grrrrr-een! NOTE: Stripes should always be touching some part of the line art of your Chamera. They should not be free-hanging like the Wisps marking. Stripes should not wrap entirely around the body part they are applied to.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to at least three times!

Wisps (Tier 1)
You're smokin' hot! NOTE: Wisps markings are free-hanging and do not necessarily touch the line art of your Chamera. If the Chamera you are applying this trait to has more than two colors, you can include a colored wisp within the base color of the wisp like in the example image. Upon application, wisp base color cannot be two different colors.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to at least three times!

Splotches (Tier 1)
Have you been rolling around in the mud? NOTE: Splotches can appear on any part of the body, but they should not look uniform. The amount of residual spots is up to your discretion but they should somewhat resemble the example image. Splotches CAN overlap, but you must use a Shuffle in order to apply them in more than one color.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to getting dirty! Are they digging in the dirt, splashing in puddles, or rolling around in the mud?

Shapes (Tier 1)
Geometrical! NOTE: For each new shape you want to add to your Chamera, you need to draw three new images. You can add multiple shapes at once only if you meet the overall image requirement to add each new shape. Shapes should not overlap or resemble other markings, but they do not have to resemble the image example. When first applied, all shapes should be the same color.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to at least three times!

Shuffle (Tier 2)
You've got a lot of... something... going on. NOTE: Shuffle allows you to both remove and relocate colors, markings, and traits as long as you have already applied them to your Chamera. This trait is ideal for when you have applied a lot of colors, markings, and traits to your Chamera, and you are ready to start making sense of how they work together!


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to at least ten times!

Tail Spikes

Flat Spikes (Tier 0)
Yeowch! NOTE: The tail can have 3-10 Flat Spikes on it.


Requirements: None!

Curved (Tier 1)
Just like little claws! NOTE: The tail can have 3-10 Curved Spikes on it.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Flat Spikes at least three times!

Fibrocartilage (Tier 1)
Your muscles are inside-out. Gross.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Flat Spikes at least three times!

Bludgeon Spikes(Tier 1)
Aww, these are kinda cute! NOTE: The tail can have 5-10 Bludgeon Spikes on it.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with a limited color palette of your choice, up to five colors! You must include a background.

Megalodon Spikes (Tier 2)
We're gonna need a bigger boat. NOTE: Megalodon Spikes can be combined with any tail spikes trait. It adds additional rows of spines up to five rows!


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to biting someone!

Stego Spikes (Tier 2)
Going back to your prehistoric roots. NOTE: The tail can have 3-10 Stego Spikes on it. When combined with the Megalodon trait, the Stego Spikes can ONLY have up to two rows of spikes!


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Bludgeon Spikes at least three times!

Alt Spikes (Tier 3)
Starting your rockstar career off right. The tail can have 5-10 Alt Spikes on it.


Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this trait to with Stego Spikes at least three times!

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Edited on 21/06/22 @ 07:35:41 by Star - G1 IS Triple Ros Echo (#87011)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:21

Traits: Page Three

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Trait Information

Traits are categorized by a numerical system that details their stage in evolution. Chamera evolution is linear and they can only evolve traits if the appropriate steps are taken. This page lists miscellaneous traits.

Eye Traits

Central Heterochromia (Tier 0)
Ring around the iris! NOTE: Central Heterochromia ONLY allows you to add a ring of color around one or both irises. The ring of color must be visibly different than the color of your Chamera's base eye color.

Requirements: Draw any Chamera ten times!

Trait (Tier 0)

Requirements: None!

Miscellaneous Traits

Little Nose Horn (Tier 0)
Quit poking me with your thing.

Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this to annoying someone or something!

Big Nose Horn (Tier 1)
I told you to quit it!

Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this to with a Little Nose Horn at least 3 times!

Fancy Nose Horn (Tier 1)
Give some shape to that schnoz. NOTE: Horn shape should roughly match the image examples.

Requirements: Draw the Chamera you are applying this to with a Little Nose Horn at least 5 times!

Trait (Tier 0)

Requirements: None!

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Edited on 28/08/22 @ 17:17:19 by Star - G2 IS Triple Ros Echo (#87011)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:24

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Edited on 20/06/22 @ 08:36:51 by Star - G1 IS Triple Ros Echo (#87011)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:27

Item Shop

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Buying Items

Items can be purchased with , , and Cham Coins. 1 = 1000 = 10 Cham Coins. Cham Coins are earned through participating in events, for putting in extra effort in drawings, and as prizes for events!

Item Shop

Basic Egg - 10 or 10,000 or 100 Cham Coins
One baby Chamera egg! You get to choose TWO (2) Tier 0 traits to apply upon their hatching. You also get to choose TWO (2) colors that will occupy your baby's body. Remember that Chameras do not have any distinctive patterns on their body until they evolve!

Designer Egg - 25 or 25,000 or 250 Cham Coins
A baby Chamera egg with a weird pattern on it. It radiates some sort of mystifying energy. This baby will be designed by Star (#87011) and can have up to THREE (3) colors occupying the body, TWO (2) Tier 0 traits, and ONE (1) Tier 1 trait, all picked by the owner.

Flask of the Chameleon - 10 or 10,000 or 100 Cham Coins
A flask with some mysterious DNA inside. Having your Chamera drink it will result in it gaining any Tier 0 or 1 trait of your choice without having to meet the requirements for it. This item can be used in conjunction with Eggs in order to have a baby Chamera hatch with a specific trait.

Flask of the Bearded Dragon - UNAVAILABLE
A flask with some mysterious DNA inside. Having your Chamera drink it will result in it gaining any Tier 2 trait of your choice without having to meet the requirements for it. This item CANNOT be used in conjunction with Eggs.

Flask of the Tegu - UNAVAILABLE
A flask with some mysterious DNA inside. Having your Chamera drink it will result in it gaining any Tier 3 trait of your choice without having to meet the requirements for it. This item CANNOT be used in conjunction with Eggs.

The Sketchy Market

Something is weird about this place... you should come back later. Or maybe not. You might get robbed.

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Edited on 21/06/22 @ 06:52:06 by Star - G1 IS Triple Ros Echo (#87011)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:31

Adoption Center

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Adopt a Chamera Today!

If you're caught up on the group rules, you're ready to adopt a Chamera! You can comment on this thread with the Chamera number you want and a staff member will direct you on where to start. Returning members are also welcome to adopt a new friend, but remember, only your first Chamera is free!

Free Chameras for New Members


Chameras for Returning Members


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Edited on 21/06/22 @ 07:50:28 by Star - G1 IS Triple Ros Echo (#87011)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:35

Research Center

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What is a Chamera?

You may be curious on the anatomy of the species. At the research center, we offer a detailed description and examples of how to draw a Chamera and the do's and do-not's of the species.


Chameras are reptilian creatures with anatomy that resembles a quadruped agamid. Adults are around five feet tall at the shoulder. They have extremely curved forelegs, curled tails, and sloped heads. They are characterized by three main traits: the Eye Horns (also known as antlers), the Back Spines, and the Tail Spikes (or spines). Take a look at this anatomy sheet! The image is clickable for a closer view.


You might notice some small things about the species. Let's take a look at some do's and do-not's!


Do draw your Chamera's front legs very curved! Notice how the bones line up.

Do draw their eyes with a heavy eyelid! Chameras have a lid that keeps out dust and debris just like we do.

Do draw your Chamera with a sloped, arched back. A Chamera's back slopes downwards to accommodate for their shorter back legs.

Do draw your Chamera's head sloped, not angled! Chamera skulls do not have angles or notches like many mammals. They are much more reptilian!

Do Not!

Don't draw your Chamera with a short, stubby neck! Their necks are pretty long, and they even have more vertebrae in them than any other animal with ten cervical vertebrae! This makes them very flexible as well.

Don't draw your Chamera with a little tail! They have big, curled tails! When their tails unfurl, they are very long and are almost twice their body length.

Don't draw their legs stiff and straight! Chameras have extremely curved forelegs, and their back legs are also fairly curved. Pay attention to their bone structure!

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Edited on 21/06/22 @ 08:45:28 by Star - G1 IS Triple Ros Echo (#87011)

Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:39

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Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:43

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Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:47

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Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:15:50

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Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:16:01

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Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:16:04

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Star - G1 Striped
Interstellar (#87011)

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Posted on
2022-03-08 16:16:07

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