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- [LF] x1 IBF Feather
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[LF] x1 IBF Feather |

dove 鴿子 [ main ] (#250273)
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Posted on 2022-03-14 15:50:12
Hi there!  I am LF x1 IBF (Instant Cub Delivery) Feather! I can offer lionesses from this cave, https://www.lioden.com/unsorted.php?id=250273 (some of them say they are not up for trade but ones like the rosette, pretty chased, posed NCL, etc will be for this trade). I can also offer decors, and more!
I do not have SB or GB rn but I can try to grind. Thanks! 
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Edited on 18/03/22 @ 13:55:27 by ᴡɪɴɴɪᴇ ❤ (#250273) |
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