Posted by Selling pricing for prides!

SinfulEclipce (#156594)

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Posted on
2022-03-15 05:24:43
Hello hello! Are you struggling to price a large price? Or just need help pricing a lion I can help with that! Prices can be found below....

20sb per lion for just a basic estimate: Name-Worth.

50sb per lion for a Deluxe estimate: Name-Mutation if any-clean/dirty-Estimate.

100sb per lion for a gourmet estimate Name-Mutation if any-clean/Dirty-markings-eye colour-Worth-Cute comment.

~~For an entire pride of lions 40+ with the Deluxe Description
15gb and some items.

~~For one full cave of lions 15+ with the Deluxe description 5gb or some good items.

~~For a full overhaul pridelands estimate for 2 accounts 20gb and items. 80+ lions

I Take payments in apps and decor as well as other favors
So I hope you will try my little shop....payment is to be half upfront and the rest upon delivery of the lists.

Waiting list...

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Edited on 15/03/22 @ 05:26:10 by SinfulEclipce (#156594)

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