Posted by Snek Adopt Auctions! [OPEN]

Starsub (#171209)

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Posted on
2022-03-18 09:21:16
Snek Adopt Auctions!

Who wouldn’t want some cute lil Sneks? :)

1) You cannot resell the adopt, but you can gift the adopt, but let me know who you gifted to if you did
2) Bid what you have
3) You send payment first. Then I will send you a PM of the adopt you brought without watermark, but with a little signature on the side
4) All auctions end 3 days after the last bidder, but I can extend, shorten, or cancel the auction.
5) No edits are allowed and no removing signature!
6) After you buy the adopt, it is yours to cherish, display, or make it a character! Let me know what you do with it!


Name: Tubute
Traits: A purplish tribal snek, with stripes and spots representing its home.

SB: 1 GB
MB: 1 GB
CB: None
AB: 15 GB

Name: Glint
Traits: A yellow, shiny snek, with golden stripes and red eyes gleaming in the sunlight

SB: 1 GB
MB: 1 GB
CB: None
AB: 15 GB

Items Accepted:
1) CRB (1 GB)
2) Lion Meat (5 GB)
3) The Jacana (3 GB)
4) Jacana Markings (4 GB)
5) Jacana Fluff (2 GB)

Thank you for visiting!

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Edited on 18/03/22 @ 09:22:28 by Starsub (#171209)

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