Posted by LF: Mukombero [Closed!]

kirino03 (#128313)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-03-22 11:13:14
**Edit. Got it!

I want to change my king and mut/stat rep with a ferus with good stats.

I need the muko to plan ahead to stud to a good stat king + muko 1 cub with it. (This is for both my main + side accs. I already have the mut replacer for my side, but need other for my main to stud to one fo the 30k+ stat kings if I can make it for when they roll over)

And sice they are so ashjdjasd hard to find/ expensive to buy, here is the thread. If for some miracle more than 1 offers it I'm willing to make more than 1 trade since I want to become a ferus breeder, so the more, the better. (If I still have the items you want).

Anyways here is what I can offer, since I don't have GB beacuse I'm poor asf:

- I'm a profesional artist, so I'm willing to make a detailed art of whatever character you like. Here is my Furaffinity gallery Feel free to ask for any specific examples.

- If you can trust me I also offer currency of future events. (If you want something from the July event shop, for example, I will give to you as soon as I'm able to buy it in that month).

-Future refunded studs on my king, on this and my side acc, I guess?
Here is the Wardrobe looks I want to make for them if you are curious (or at least close to this):


- I also have a bunch of apps laying in my hoard.

And that's all. Thank you for your time if you read all of this, I hope you have a really nice day! ~

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Edited on 23/03/22 @ 15:29:54 by kirino03 (#128313)

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