Posted by ☆ the lost river ☆

🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-03-27 06:22:29

☆ the lost river ☆

The bright sunlight seemed to reflect off of the stream's rippling surface, making it shimmer with elegance. Looking down, you could see a forest. .. wait, a forest? You were sitting down on a stone, surrounded by other stones with no nearby forest.

Peering down, you realized.. there was more than just a leafy-green forest. There was also some pine forests, which broke into a moorland full of tall grass. mountains also surrounded the terrain, dividing it with some other land that trailed behind it...

"What is all this?" You whisper to yourself.

"That, my dear, shall be your new home," A voice out of nowhere says. Before you could say or do anything, a tall she-cat appears from a bush that was covering a huge boulder. "And your kin's home, and their kin's home.."

"Seriously?" You asked with a curious tone. The stranger nodded with a grin, watching as she sat beside you. "Yes.. however, there is something you must know. You see that huge island surrounded by rivers and shrubbery?" She asked you. You nodded back in reply. "Well, there used to be a tribe of cats there. But, they were driven away by the Two-legs, only to have to find a new home elsewhere." She explained to you with a solemn tone.

You frowned. "I..Is there something i must do about this? I-I mean, what can I do about what had happened to them?"

She nodded. "Yes, there is something.." She answered. "You must journey beyond the thick woodlands, the pine forests, the moorlands, the mountains.. you must find them."

Before she could even let you answer her, she got up from her spot but continued on as she looked down at you. "Two cats from each tribe shall be tasked to do this journey;.. however, this won't be an easy thing to do. The tribe has been long gone now for moons.. centuries, even."

A deep frown formed on your face. "So then how will I, or even other cats, find them?"

"You must find their descendants."

"How will I even know if they are the tribe cats' descendant?"

"You shall know when you see it." She told you, with a gentle look on her muzzle. She padded forwards and touched noses with you, the scenery quickly vanishing.
After reading the text above, I'm sure you're like, "WTF, Clementine! Where's the rest of the context?!"

Well, I am here to supply you with it!

This roleplay shall be about 3 tribes, with 2 cats from each tribe receiving a prophecy about having to journey beyond their homelands and find the fourth tribe.

The said 3 tribes are..:

The Tribe Of Blistering Winds
(These cats are slim and lean, with short pelts and powerful legs that make them renowned for their speedy skills. Their pelts are usually some type of shade of brown, tan, or a pale beige, though on rare occasions they can be bicolor, tortoiseshell, calico, or some different type of color. Their home is located at the top of a steep hill in the middle of the moorlands. Their diet mostly consists of rabbits, birds, and sometimes mice.)

The Tribe of Prancing Deer
(These cats live in the heart of the woodlands, with their camp being guarded by walls of bramble tendrils and honeysuckle bushes. They are a bit bigger than the rest of the tribes, though, obviously not every single cat that is a part of this tribe is big. Their coats vary in almost any color, though the most common are tabbies, calicos, bicolor, and so on. Their diet mostly consists of mice, sometimes rabbits, deer, any type of bird that lives in the woodland, shrews, etc.)

The Tribe of Darkened Shadows
(Their home is located deep inside the marshy pine forests, guarded by thick walls made out of thorn bushes and bramble tendrils. They are secretive and cocky; rumor has it that they have a thirst for blood (just a dumb rumor started by a foolish apprentice). Same as Prancing Deer, their pelts vary in practically any shade, though the most common are tortoiseshells, calicos, bicolor, colorpoints, tabbies, and so forth. Their diet consists of lizards, frogs/toads, mice, birds, etc.)

and for the fourth tribe,

The Tribe of Gushing Water.
(The descendants are easily identifiable by their webbed paws, thick, sleek coats, muscular limbs (very good for swimming), and acute vision (good for hunting fish.)

Additional Stuff
OOC Thread
Of course, every WC roleplay needs a set of rules, right? Riight.

Rule 1
Do not, I repeat do not, kill or severely injure someone's character without the user's permission. You may privately, OR ask them out of character (you don't need to hop onto the OOC thread to ask, just ask them in your RP response with parentheses around your question) I am trying to avoid everlasting drama at all costs.

Rule #2:
Please (privately) ask a character's user if you can be a part of their kin, a possible love interest, cheat on them, or whatnot. Again, I am trying to avoid drama at all costs here.

Rule #3:
Hate the character, not the player. We're trying to establish a kind community here.

Rule #4:
Powers are indeed allowed. Every cat of any rank may be able to have magical abilities, especially those without a Clan (excluding kittypets unless you're a descendant.)

Rule 5
Please talk to me (meaning me, the owner, specifically) first about a possible major plot change. This also goes for a minor plot change, as well. I do not want to confuse any possible players who were absent in that moment to not know what's happening, or even me, myself to get confused on what's going on. This also goes for timeskips. If I agree and a majority of the other players also agree, we can go ahead and commence a timeskip.

Rule #6:
Please, please ask (privately, meaning in my DMs) if you'd like to be one of the cats that are sent out to relocate the descendants of the lost tribe. There are a maximum of 2 felines per tribe.

Also, please ask if you'd like to be one of the descendants. There is no limit, however you may only make one character to be a descendant and one oc to help relocate these said descendants.

Before I forget, the prophecy the relocaters will receive later on in the roleplay:

"There will be 6, two cats from the moorlands, pine forest, and woodlands
They shall journey beyond the mountains, and the place where the sun drowns behind the ocean
To find the lost river and connect it with the moorlands, the pine forest, and the woodlands once more."
html layout by honey (#30473). do not remove credit.
mountains header by Mairu-Doggy on deviantart.

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Edited on 11/12/22 @ 14:34:32 by 🎄 Clem! | 200/300 bundles (#218151)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-11-02 17:48:37
Narrow Heart| Tribe of the prancing deer

Narrow hearts' pawsteps were heavy as she led the small patrol behind her back to camp. Her fur being tossed by the wind as she trekked over the rough terrain below her. The group and herself had managed to gather a few bits of prey to bring back as well. She sighs, rolling back her shoulders as she enters the camp once more.

She shakes out her coat before traveling through the tribe, eyes searching for Storm Shadow. She dips her head once she manages to trot up to him.

" The borders seem to be clear Sir. We found some scraps of food on the way as well. Have things been ok here? The lack of clouds in the sky might make the sun a bit harsh today. " She reports, her face unmoving as she converses with him.

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-02 17:50:10
Storm Shadow
The Tribe's Healer would be sitting in front of their den, their tail tightly coiled around their sinewy frame. Storm Shadow's head was angled diagonally towards the ground, lifting his paw to try and block the harsh sun away from his gaze.

Blinking, he moved his head a tad to catch sight of the Tribe Overseer making her way over to him. "Greetings, Narrow Heart. I am glad to hear of such things." He replied, making an attempt to smile, even though he was practically blinded by the particularly bright sunshine. "Yes, the sun.. is already intolerable. I can see myself going blind in the next minute."

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Edited on 02/11/22 @ 18:53:41 by 🍂Clementine | She/They (#218151)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-11-03 10:29:12
Narrow Heart

She hums, though she speaks flatly- however her words would indicate she was joking.

" Ah well- it's not all that bad once you get used to it."

She attempts, sitting down beside them to give him a bit of shade, much like a tree might. She looks over the tribe- quickly taking note of the amount of cats and their general moods. For now she had some free time, though she mostly spent such time tending to any chores or requests the healer had. The more she could lift off their shoulders the better.

" Are you low on any herbs? This sun has been drying up a lot of plants sadly- but I can try and bring one of the cats with me to collect some more. Perhaps Yew Frost? Or you and her could go together with a few cats for guarding? I could watch things back here. The borders seem clear so it may be a perfect time."

She suggests- her tail curling round herself as she sits.

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Edited on 03/11/22 @ 10:29:27 by Frostblight (#282750)

mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-03 10:33:09
Star Catcher

Star wandered back into the camp, his tail swishing up a few leaves on the ground as they crunched beneath them, he had always enjoyed the sound of crunchy leaves, it was a very nice sound

He noticed Narrow Heart and Storm Shadow, slowly approaching them, he never really knew what to do after he was finished patrolling

[ "Urm, may i join ya'll?" ] He tilted his head, his ear twitching nervously as he awaited their responses, he wasn't the most patient cat but he tried

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-03 11:39:23
Storm Shadow
"I'd prefer that me and Yew Frost go together, just in case not many of you can tell which herb is used for what." Storm responded, silently thanking Narrow Heart for sitting beside him as now the healer could finally see what was laid out around him. Glancing over, he noticed Star Catcher padding over to the pair. He dipped his head in greeting. "You may, Star. We aren't exactly conversing with anything that is important, just talking about herbs and whatnot." The Tribe Healer half-smiled.

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-03 11:42:09
Star Catcher

He smiled and nodded, sitting on the opposite side of Storm Shadow and curling his tail around his paws, looking up at the sky with narrowed eyes, why was the sky so bright?

[ "My sister is having kits in a few days." ] He purred, feeling warm at the thought of the tiny kits with Butterfly Seeker [ "I think they said in three days, not entirely sure, i kind of forget." ] Star chuckled, embarrassed at the fact he had forgotten his own sisters due date

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-03 11:52:59
Storm Shadow
"Oh!" The Healer's eyes lit up with surprise. "I never realized you had a sister. Good for her, then, and I hope our ancestors' bless her with a safe birth." Storm Shadow nodded his head as he spoke, his left ear flicking as an obnoxious fly buzzed around it. "More kits is just what these tribes need, though it is almost time of frozen leaf (<--- basically leafbare or winter). I hope her kits are healthy and strong enough to endure the colder season once it comes." Storm added, his tone solemn.

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Edited on 03/11/22 @ 12:03:37 by 🍂Clementine | She/They (#218151)

mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-03 11:54:58
Star Catcher

He purred, glancing at the healer with a smile [ "Hopefully it goes well, she hasn't had the best chances with birth in the past. But i'm sure her healer will help, and you too! Thank you, Storm Shadow." ] Star flashed his teeth, his tail twitching happily

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-03 11:57:03
(Oh my god is Star's sister in a different tribe.)

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-03 11:57:33
(yea 💀)

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-03 11:57:54
( One moment)

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mars 。⁠☆ | art
comms !! (#276913)

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Posted on
2022-11-03 11:58:50
(alright )

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-03 12:03:57
(Ok, I edited my post so that it makes more sense now )

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-11-03 12:05:14
Narrow Heart

She hums thoughtfully, mostly keeping to herself as the two converse. The tribe had been in what seemed like a bout of peace for quite some time now. It was nice to have a break truthfully- despite how the apprentices and younger warriors moaned about the lack of action. She thought for a brief moment before shifting the direction of the conversation.

" I'm thankful for the peaceful times that have blessed our lands.. perhaps we should celebrate the leaf fall season with a festival of sorts. We could have a small feast.. maybe even a tournament. " She suggests dully- her eyes still glued on the tribe as they moved about.

" Though I'm unsure what you have planned for this season, truthfully Storm. I know we have some apprentices itching for battle and training. " She comments with a flick of her ear.

" Oh and- congrats on the kits Star." She mentions over to the shorter tom with a dip of her head.

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🕷 clementine (#218151)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2022-11-03 12:19:02
Storm Shadow
The Healer tipped his head to one side, thinking deeply of Narrow Heart's well-thought suggestion. "I suppose we could have a tournament of some sorts, but turn it into a large feast in the end." He implied, his whiskers twitching as he continued to think. "Perhaps a hunting tournament. Though, it will be the to-bes competing against each other, and whichever one wins will be promoted to a hunter, or a scout." He murmured, pawing at a rock that lay near his large paw. The grey tabby tom hissed as the fly from earlier continued to fly around his headspace, swooping up a paw and swatting at it for it to go away.

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