Posted by Giveaway Chat: Option to Remove Accidental Claims

Flower_of_the_Sun (#36232)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-04-04 00:47:08
The new claims feature in giveaway chat is (in my opinion) great, and works very well for giving away things quickly and efficiently.

However, on occasion someone will claim something by accident. Currently there's no way to remove a claim once you've made it.

This can cause problems in two ways:

1, The person doing the giveaway might send it to the claimer before they can send a message saying it was a mistake, meaning they have to send it back or they have something they don't really want and someone who did want it misses out.

2. Even if they do send a message to the person doing the giveaway, the claim is still there, so other's don't know whatever is being given away is still available and may not claim themselves.

Sure, you can just post again 10 minutes later, but the option to remove accidental claims would just make everything run a little more smoothly.

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Edited on 04/04/22 @ 00:48:41 by Flower_of_the_Sun (#36232)

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