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BlueFox (#145101)

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Posted on
2022-04-13 23:42:01
This thread is part of the Ilanga’s Adoptions clan, and while you must be a member to host your shelter on this thread, anyone is welcome to adopt our cubs. Please check out the clan, we’d love to have some new members!

Adoption Thread (You Are Here)
Cub Drop-off

•This thread is currently under construction! Please don't post yet.

Welcome! This is an extension of the original Ilanga's Adoptions thread, started in 2018. What began as a single thread giving away free cubs has since expanded into an entire clan and a whole group of shelters with the same mission as the original: to find homes for cubs. Whether you're new to Lioden and looking for your first few pride members, or a veteran player in search of something special, you've come to the right place.

On the original thread, roleplaying was an important feature, and writing a brief roleplay was required in order to adopt a cub. However, as the shelter became increasingly popular, the amount of writing that shelter owners had to do on a daily basis got to be overwhelming. As such, roleplaying to receive cubs is no longer a general requirement of all Ilanga's Adoptions shelters, though some individual shelters may still encourage or require it. This will be indicated along with the other information about each shelter below. Regardless of a shelter's individual rules, one thing will be consistent: all cubs from these shelters are entirely FREE.

General Rules:
•Please do NOT kill/tree/sell a cub you adopt. They are looking for permanent homes.
•Cubs usually come named, so you don't need to include their url or ID number in your post. Of course, you are welcome to change their names once you adopt them!
•Please don't argue with the decision of a shelter owner. However, if something goes wrong (such as receiving the wrong cub or no trade being sent), feel free to reach out!
•If you break the rules, you may be prevented from adopting from these shelters in the future.
•We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

Click on any of the links below to visit our shelters! Be sure to read through their individual rules and expectations before posting.

Ilanga's Adoptions (original Nyumbani shelter)
Owned by BlueFox (#145101)
Roleplay Optional
Primarily clean cubs, many with uncommon or rare bases and the occasional mutie or rosette. Consistently has lots of cubs available and usually a quick response time.

If you're looking to adopt a cub, please don't comment on this thread! Instead, post on the individual thread for the shelter you wish to adopt from. Shelter owners may not be following this thread, so your request could get lost! This thread can be used for:
•Finding all of our individual shelters run by clan members
•Asking questions about this thread or our shelter system
•Applying to have your own shelter listed here! See the following post for more details.

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Edited on 20/05/22 @ 01:06:48 by BlueFox (#145101)

BlueFox (#145101)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-20 00:34:40
Resources for Shelter Owners
This clan was founded as an extension of an adoption thread, so it's no surprise that so many of you are passionate about finding homes for cubs! We have reworked the way we organize the clan's shelters to allow far more shelters to be run by the clan, and to make it less confusing for everyone involved. The one downside is that everyone who wishes to have a shelter must make their own individual adoption thread, which can then be linked in the above post.

If you already have a thread set up for your shelter, just fill out the following template and we'll add your shelter to the list!
Shelter Name
•Link to your thread (must be the thread itself, not the cave you keep the cubs in)
•Do people need to roleplay to adopt a cub? (Yes, No, Optional, Encouraged)
•Brief blurb about your shelter-- do you have a theme? Or some lore for it? Or just go with the basics: common features of cubs in your shelter (eg. lots of markings, rare bases, clean, etc), how many cubs you tend to have, or how frequently you reply. Feel free to use the posted shelters as inspiration!

New to owning a shelter? Here's some things to include in your thread!
•The name of your shelter, usually as the title of your thread
•A link to the cave where your adoptable cubs are
•Any rules your shelter has
•Links to this thread and to the clan page
•If you want, an introduction, backstory, or lore!

To create a nice looking link in your thread, use this code and remove the * : <*a href=*link*>*text*

Before starting a shelter, I recommend having two or more broodmothers and a good hunting party to ensure that you can take care of all the cubs you're raising!

Shelter Owner Information and Expectations:
•Please be kind! The goal of this clan is to create a welcoming and positive space for everybody, especially new players who may not be as familiar with the game yet. When you host a shelter on this thread you are representing the clan as well as yourself.
•If you are willing to accept cubs donated by the community, I recommend you subscribe to the Cub Drop-Off thread linked in the top post.
•Shelter owners get first priority at our Stockpile thread, so be sure to check it out if you are in need of food or toys to support your pride.
•If you decide to retire your shelter or plan to be inactive for a long period of time, please let me know either via PM or on this thread so your shelter's link can be removed from the list or have a note about your absence added to it.
•Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

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Edited on 20/05/22 @ 01:05:36 by BlueFox (#145101)

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