Posted by Edit Trade's "I want in return" Section

Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2022-04-15 20:04:54
I know the ability to edit trades themselves will never happen and it shouldn't, however, I think we should be able to edit the 'I want in return" section.

My reasoning is people change their minds on what they want, and/or it's usually a place for people to say what they do and do not accept.

This has been a recent issue for me as I forgot to put that I do not accept lions in a trade, but I have 10 people watching the trade so I do not wish to cancel it and redo it.

In short, I think we should at least edit that section of trades.
If there is some con to this, let me know ^^

This suggestion has 41 supports and 0 NO supports.

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raptor;; (#386368)

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Posted on
2023-10-20 08:38:49
I have always wished we could change the pricing on a trade too, like lower it instead of having to delete and remake. That way people who were watching would know it went down in price or whatever.

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