Posted by Oub’s Lion Auctions

Oubliela (#268153)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-04-16 23:48:40
Welcome to Oub’s Lion Auctions!
**NOTE** Hey guys, I just got back on for the first time in about a year and a half. I'm trying to remember how I ran things before and it's taking me a bit to catch up! If you were the highest bidder on any of the below lions, just message me and I will send them to you free of charge for the inconvenience. New lions will be added within a few days!


1) SB is 100sb for non-mutated, 1gb for mutated or special base. MI is 50sb for non-mutated, and 100sb for mutated or special base. Specific lions may be marked otherwise.
2) Auctions will end five days after the first bid is placed. I may add autobuys for some lions.
3) Please be respectful to me and to other bidders! I’ve made friends via bidding wars but don’t let it get out of hand. I also work/go to school and would appreciate patience, I will update as soon as I can. 🐝 kind
4) I do accept some items as payment. I will place common items I accept below and their prices, any less common items (like applicators/breeding items) I will value at lowest branch price but please check to make sure I’ll accept them! I probably will, but just in case :)
5) I reserve the right to remove any lion from the auction. I will always explain why, it is possible I could choose to keep them after all but I usually consider that well beforehand.
6) Lions are clean unless there is “DIRTY” next to their name.
7) Tell me if you find a broken link, either Error 404 or wrong lion or whatever else you find. I only have so many, you would think I’d be on top of it…
8) Poses are to show off marking and are based on personality. Lions do not come posed!! Markings are shown at 100% opacity for display purposes also, but their actual opacities are underneath their pictures for your convenience.
9) Please please please set aside the money you owe! I won't blacklist you if you kindly PM me saying you can't afford your lion once but after that I will have to blacklist you and I really don't want to have to do that.

Items I accept as payment:
Shiny Red/Teal Rock - 25sb each
Fuchsia Flower - 50sb each
Any herbs - 25sb each
Hematite, Rough Opal, or Moss Agate - 25sb each

Now for the lions!



Base: Obsidian
Eyes: Blue
Mane: Ebony Sideward
Slot 1: Leonid Smoke (37%)
Slot 3: Leonid Coat (60%)
Slot 4: Red Flow (42%)
Slot 6: Scoundrel Undersides (45%)
This lion has 2 markings hidden on the following slots: 11, 12

CB: 725sb by 257117
End Date: May 7


Base: Chartreux
Eyes: Peridot
Mane: Jacana Scarce
Slot 1: Under Silky 6 (14%)
Slot 7: Citron Brindle (12%)
Slot 10: Algae Back (42%)

CB: 500sb by 257117
End Date: May 7


Base: Dikela
Eyes: Green
Mane: Flint Crested
Slot 1: Noctis Cheetah Royal (75%)
Slot 2: White Hyena Unders (52%)
Slot 6: Fuchsia Feline (92%)
Slot 7: Haliotis Reverse Vitiligo Mash (81%)
Slot 10: White Feline Unders (43%)

CB: 427sb by 274258
End Date: May 5


Base: Hazelnut
Eyes: Emerald
Mane: Rhodonite Blade
Slot 4: Haliotis Cheetah (80%)
Slot 5: Algae Roan (28%)



Base: Albino
Eyes: Dove
Mane: Flamingo Normal
Slot 3: Leonid Coat (85%)
Slot 4: Scoundrel Inverted Brawl (80%)
Slot 7: Gilded Speckles (49%)
Slot 9: Dim Noctis (48%)
This lion has 3 markings hidden on the following slots: 13, 14, 15



Base: Ebony
Eyes: Tan
Mane: Heavenly Savage
Slot 1: White Panther (59%)
Slot 2: Proteles Heavy White (69%)
Slot 3: Aufeis Maofelis (64%)
Slot 5: Cloudburst Shroud (16%)
Slot 7: Ice Glaze (29%)

CB: 100sb by 90637
End Date: May 5


Base: Chestnut
Eyes: Blue
Mane: Light Cream Diabolic
Slot 1: Leonid Smoke (30%)
Slot 2: Leonid Undershine (94%)
Slot 3: Leonid Coat (16%)
Slot 7: Proteles Heavy White (48%)
Slot 8: Leonid Feline (43%)
Slot 10: Clay Paws (63%)



Base: Obsidian
Eyes: Blue
Mane: Divine Scarce
Slot 2: Proteles Heavy White (66%)
Slot 3: Proteles Scarce White (63%)
Slot 4: White Skull (17%)



Base: White
Eyes: Red
Mane: Celestial Scarce
Slot 1: Brimstone Ghost Feralis (47%)
Slot 2: Feline 2 Maroon (20%)
Slot 3: Locust Quagga (56%)
Slot 4: Fuchsia Lace (61%)
Slot 5: Pulsar Margay (30%)
Slot 8: Noctis Cheetah Heavy (17%)
Slot 9: Sunrise Speckles (85%)


Sarah - DIRTY?

Base: Luteo
Eyes: Cloudy
Mane: Ebony Heavy
Slot 1: Frostbitten Dapple (14%)
Slot 3: Pulsar Dim (94%)
Slot 4: Ice Glaze (25%)
Slot 7: Steele Margay (17%)
Slot 9: Under White 7 (23%)
Slot 10: Nimravus White (42%)


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Edited on 23/09/23 @ 13:38:15 by Oubliela (#268153)

Oubliela (#268153)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-04 23:11:04
As a note to everyone - I have removed Stella (the interstellar) from the auction as there is not enough interest in her. Hopefully, I might be able to breed more for the auction.

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